Thursday, June 20, 2013

PEI Consultancy Job to Conduct a Terminal Evaluation of the Poverty Environment Initiative (PEI) Project in Kenya

International Individual Consultant
Consultancy to Conduct a Terminal Evaluation of the Poverty Environment Initiative (PEI) Project

1. Background

The Poverty and Environment Initiative-Kenya (PEI) has been implemented in two phases; phase 1 (2005 – 2008) and phase II (2009 – 2013) with midterm review of the project that was carried out in 2008. The mid-term evaluation ended with the revise of the project outputs to make them more realistic and compatible with the Government’s needs. The project is implemented by UNDP and executed by the Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030 (MSPND&V2030). The Poverty and Environment Initiative (PEI) is a global programme whose overall objective is to systematically integrate environment into national development processes in order to bring about pro-poor economic growth, poverty reduction and environmental sustainability.
The PEI aims at doing this by working with host governments in influencing policy, planning and budgeting mechanisms and ensuring that the contribution of environment to human well-being and achievement of the MDGs becomes the core business of governments. The PEI-Kenya project responded to the identified need by Government on the importance of the pro-poor environmentally sustainable natural resources use in achieving its economic growth and poverty reduction goals
The terminal evaluation exercise will be carried out to provide a comprehensive and systematic account of the performance of the PEI project by assessing the project design, activities, the process of implementation, and the impact of the various components of the project vis-à-vis project objectives. The purpose of the evaluation is to make an informed statement on the overall performance of the project and guidance on how to improve the implementation process and delivery in similar programmes. The evaluation will include extensive consultation with various stakeholders
Interested and qualified international candidates should submit their applications which should include the following:UNDP Personal History Form (P11)Detailed Curriculum VitaeProposal for implementing the assignmentPlease quote “PEI Terminal Evaluation” on the subject line.
Applications should be emailed to to reach us not later than Wednesday, 3 July at 4.00 P.M Kenya Time.
Please see the Terms of Reference, the P11 form, the Individual Contract Proposal form and the Terms and Conditions of Individual Contracts by visiting the UNDP Kenya Website: - Related Posts Widget for Blogger
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