Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Facilities Manager Job at African Population and Health Research Center in Nairobi Kenya

Facilities Manager at African Population and Health Research Center in Nairobi – Kenya Jobs and Vacancies
The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) is an international non-profit, non-governmental organization that carries out policy relevant research on population, health, education and development issues facing sub-Saharan Africa. The Center is moving to its new office building which also includes about 25,000 square feet let out to other tenants. The Center seeks to recruit a Facilities Manager for this new complex. The Facilities manager will be responsible for the management of services and processes that support the core business of the Center and will work towards ensuring that the Center has the most suitable work environment.
He/she will generally focus on using best business practice to enhance efficiency by reducing operating costs while increasing productivity.
Duties include
  • Negotiation of contracts for maintenance of property and supervision of various service providers including those for security, cleaning and equipment maintenance
  • Monitoring and supervision of the various service providers to ensure quality services and value for money
  • Routine inspection of property including fixtures and installed equipment to ensure the building structure and furnishings are in good state of repair and maintenance at all times
  • Preparation of estimates for renovations and new works and solicitation of quotes from qualified service providers
  • Management of security and fire safety ensuring that strict security and safety procedures are adhered to
  • Liaising with our lawyers in the finalization of all legal contracts for the premises
  • Rent and service charge collection. This shall include hiring out of training rooms on a day to day basis
  • Liaison with the occupants of the premises to ensure they understand and agree to adhere to terms and conditions relating to the occupation of the buildings
  • Supervise the provision of general administration services at the premises e.g. transport and catering services
  • Preparation of annual recurrent and capital budget with regard to the premises
  • Management of the service charge budget
  • Ensure payments for ground rent, land rates, insurance premiums and all water and electricity bills are settled promptly
  • Use performance management techniques to monitor and demonstrate achievement of agreed service levels
Skills and Qualifications
  • BA Land Economics or its equivalent
  • Some administrative qualification e.g. procurement
  • Good knowledge of contract and property law
  • At least 3 years administrative and property management experience
  • Computer literacy with proficiency in MS Office products
Interested candidates are encouraged to apply enclosing a detailed CV, quoting current and expected salary and providing contact details of three referees to the address below by April 20, 2011.
The position will be for an initial period of 3 years and is renewable based on performance.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted. Please indicate the position you are applying for on the envelop or on the subject line for those applying by email (
The Human Resources Officer
African Population and Health Research Center
P.O. Box 10787-00100 GPO, Nairobi
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