Thursday, May 27, 2010

Procurement Officer Vacancy - Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology

The BOG – Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology invites applications from qualified candidates for the following position.

Procurement Officer
Minimum Qualification
Bachelors Degree in Supplies Management or equivalent from a recognized institution
Age 35 Years and above
Minimum 3 Years experience in a similar position
Computer Literate proficiency from a recognized institute
K.C.S.E. Mean Grade C+ (Plus)
Job Description
Ensure procurement is done as per regulations
Identify and implement procurement process and systems which will add value, checks and control
Be in-charge of the procurement in consultation with the Principal
Supervise personnel under him/her
Any other duty assigned by the Principal or delegated authority.
Apply, attaching copies of certificates and testimonials and a one page Curriculum Vitae to reach the undersigned on or before 10th June, 2010. Please include a day time telephone contact.
The Principal
P.O. Box 414-00900, Kiambu
Tel: 0727807713, 0734207663 and 0203522550
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