Wednesday, July 10, 2013

AstraZeneca Medical Research Grants

AstraZeneca seeks to enhance medical capacity in Kenya by providing grant support to both experienced academic medical professionals and those embarking on their research careers
AstraZeneca will provide grants to encourage, promote and support research in Cardiology, Diabetes, Gastroenterology and Infectious Diseases


Applicants should be Kenyan citizens or permanent residents in Kenya and affiliated to accredited Kenyan medical schools or health institutions.
Each proposal must be approved by the relevant Ethics Committees.
Research proposals may be submitted in Cardiology, Diabetes, and Gastroenterology and Infectious diseases with a focus on prevalence and epidemiological studies, pharmaco-economic studies and health outcome based studies.
The proposals must be received by the scientific Review Committee by the 31st of July 2013. The authors of selected proposals will be notified after the review process has been completed.

Research proposals should be sent to

An AstraZeneca Health Initiative
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals (Pty) Ltd.
Reg. No. 1992/Building 2, Northdowns OfficePark,  17 Georgian CrescentWest, Bryantston, South Africa, 2191. Private Bag X23, Bryanston, South Africa, 2021 Related Posts Widget for Blogger
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