Thursday, August 23, 2012

ANPPCAN Terms of Reference to Develop Child Protection Referral Guidelines Jobs in KENYA

Terms of Reference to Develop Child Protection Referral Guidelines 
ANPPCAN Regional Office is currently implementing a programme to strengthen the systems of response to cases of child abuse and neglect in Nairobi. 

The programme has been coordinated by ANPPCAN Regional Office in collaboration with the Nairobi Child Protection Team. 

The formation of Nairobi Child Protection Team was to create and improve response systems to child protection and reduce cases of child abuse and neglect in Nairobi. 

Through this established network of organizations that provide psychosocial, medical and legal services, the professionals meet regularly to share information on the reported cases and identify multi-sectoral interventions to cases of child abuse and neglect. 

Currently, capacity building on referral system is being conducted by ANPPCAN to the key service providers in child protection to better handle child abuse and neglect.
The key aim is to effectively and efficiently provide support and services to victims of child abuse and neglect, improve recording and documentation of cases, monitor the referral system and reduce the risks of child abuse, neglect and exploitation in all settings.
 As a process to ensure case management and referral procedures are more cohesive, comprehensive and adequate, the need to develop a referral manual became apparent to have standardized referral system and meet minimum standards.
This was seen necessary because most organizations have developed internal forms and guidelines to undertake case management but hardly do they fully address the needs of abused children. 

There is always repetition of incidences of child abuse, capturing every detail presented, some remaining irrelevant in drawing up interventions.  

This has shown the need to harmonize and use standardized forms and tools to capture useful data helpful in case management.
It is against this backdrop that ANPPCAN wishes to engage a consultant in the development and production of a child protection case management procedures and referral guidelines that will be used by all child protection actors both in the government and civil society organizations.
The guideline will help improve the handling of cases of child abuse and neglect and the systems created to professionalize handling cases of CAN in a multi-sectoral manner.

Scope of work
Objectives of the consultancy:
a) Review existing case management procedures and referral guidelines on child protection, used by the key ministries and other Civil Society Organizations working with children.
b) Develop case management procedures and referral guidelines to be used by organizations in child protection.

The consultant will review the case management procedures and referral guidelines used by the department of children services and Nairobi Child Protection Team in handing the CAN cases.
The consultant shall submit to ANPPCAN Regional Office written reports and inputs given to validate the document as follows:
a) Draft case management procedures and referal guidelines
b) Final case management procedures and the referral  guidelines to be used by organizations in child protection.
The overall duration of work will be 10 days. 

The work will be conducted in two phases. 

The first phase, which will take 4 days, will involve a review of the existing case management procedures and referral guidelines used by the organizations undertaking child protection in Nairobi. 

The second phase, which will take 6 days, will involve the development and finalisation  of the case management procedures and referral guidelines.  

The procedures and guidelines being reviewed are the ones used by the Department of Children Services and members of Nairobi Child Protection Team.

Proposed activity
23rd Aug 12
Call for proposals
1.    Advertised call for proposal in ANPPCAN’s wesite and other sites
31st  Aug 12
Deadline for submission of proposals
2.    Proposals submitted from potential consultants
7th  Sept 12
Deadline for negotiations and  signing of contract
3.    Signed contract by ANPPCAN and the appointed consultant

Contact organizations to review their referral procedures and  guidelines
4.    Key Organizations dealing with cases directly  visited and forms reviewed
17th Sept 12
Submit draft case management procedures and  referral guidelines
5.    Draft case management procedures and  referral guidelines submitted
20th Sept 12
Inputs and comments by ANPPCAN finalized
6.    ANPPCAN inputs shared with the consultant
25th Sept 12
Submission of final case management procedures and  referral guidelines after incorporating comments from ANPPCAN
7.    Final case management procedures and  referral guidelines Submitted to ANPPCAN

  • Review the existing case management procedures and referral guidelines.  
  • Interview key informants on the existing guidelines.
 Qualifications and Competencies
  • At least 5 years experience and above working in child protection and systems strengthening.
  • Excellent understanding of developing referral guidelines, manuals and reviewing policies on children.
  • Masters degree in Social Work, Development studies,Social Sciences and/or Child Development.
  • Significant experience in child rights programming and child protection.
  • Familiarity with Government and  Civil Society procedures and systems of referral
  • Strong writing and presentation skills.
Submission of Expressions of Interest
Please submit your expression of interest including full CV, proposed fee per day and a brief outline of proposed methodology for the consultancy to ANPPCAN at, cc: marked ‘Expression of Interest to Develop CP Referral Guidelines by 31st August 2012
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