Thursday, September 8, 2011

Kenya Transition Initiative Stakeholder Mapping Consultants Terms of Reference (TOR)

Kenya Transition Initiative

Stakeholder Mapping

Consultants Terms of Reference (TOR)

Consultancy Summary

The Consultant will design and conduct a stakeholder mapping exercise for the Kenya Transition Initiative (KTI) program and come up with a tool that will provide a better understanding of the various institutions present in the regions and the work they do.

The stakeholder mapping will facilitate the development of partnerships between KTI and key state and non state actors for the program in various parts of the country, with greater focus in the Central region to be defined jointly between the consultant and KTI.

Program Description

The KTI program was launched in May 2008 following the signing of the National Accord on Dialogue and Reconciliation in February 2008.

The agreement opened opportunity for KTI to support national and local-level stabilization and transition efforts targeted at recovery and reducing political and social volatility and vulnerability to violence, and moving Kenya forward through another election cycle in 2012 and into the future.

The overall goal of the KTI program is to attain durable stability by supporting Kenya state and non-state actors in promoting national unity rather than ethno-national divisions.

Specifically, KTI program activities are designed to meet either one of two program objectives:
  1. To enable public institutions to undertake fundamental reforms and to manage instability and uncertainty.
  2. To mobilize the public, especially the youth and key change agents, to demand accountability and reform.

As part of its strategy, KTI would like to identify key State and Non State actors and organizations involved in promoting reforms in geographic areas where KTI activities are implemented.

The actors identified will be at the core of a renewed effort to enhance and better support national and local efforts towards capacity building, foster knowledge and information sharing and develop efficient partnerships.

The Consultant(s) will be qualified and possess the relevant experience in each geographic area to collect detailed information on organizations engaged at all levels of KTI’s program areas and processes.

Once the stakeholder database that the Consultants will compile is available, it will be possible for KTI to identify opportunities to partner and connect with other organizations in the field at national, regional and local levels.


The main aim of the proposed consultancy is to provide a mapping tool that will foster greater effectiveness of KTI programming and efforts through increased participation and strengthened social networks and capacity of stakeholders at all levels.

Geographical areas of Mapping

Kiambu, Kirinyaga, Muranga and Nyeri

Four categories of reporting are anticipated, as follows:

WHO (to include a range of actors, including Government, NGOs, CBOs, private sector, prominent individuals and others)
  • Who are KTI potential stakeholders and possible partners?
  • Who else are they connected to in terms of strategic alliances and partnership?
  • Who is supporting them?
  • What is their governance structure and political affiliation like?
  • Where are they located?
  • Which levels do they operate?-Local/Regional/National
  • Where has their greatest impact been at the (above) levels?
  • What are they involved in/ Objectives? Or what have they done in the past in relation to KTI strategic sector lanes?
  • What are their capacities/organizational skills
  • What is their main target in relation to the groups and outreach coverage?
  • What do they want to do in the next one year?
  • How do they achieve their organizational objectives/strategies?
  • How do they create and maintain their social networks?
  • What are real political issues of concern that need redress?
  • What should be done about the issues in the next one year?
  • Who would be the most relevant actor to engage in redressing of the issues identified?
Work Plan

The Consultant will prepare a work plan/ Schedule that will operationalize and direct the consultancy.

The work plan/ Schedule will describe how the mapping exercise is to be carried out and will address the following elements:
  • Overview of Program
  • Expectations of Stakeholder mapping
  • Mapping Methodology
  • Mapping Framework
  • Information Collection and Analysis
  • Reporting and Feedback
  • Draft Stakeholder Database document that can be built on as additional organizations are identified.
  • Final Report

The consultant (s) will develop and present a suitable methodology for this mapping exercise in coordination with KTI staff.

They should include, but are not limited to, the following tools for data collection:
  • In-depth interviews with key stake holders (both state and non state actors);
  • Focus group discussions (FGDs) and consultative meetings with community members or target groups;
  • Desk review of relevant documents existing at the Social Services offices, District Commissioners offices, Mapping Reports done by other organizations, and other background information;
  • Door to door interviews for the purpose of small groups that may not be found within FGDs.

a) Draft Final Report: The Consultant will submit a draft report and sample database document for review by KTI within the 3rd week of stakeholder mapping exercise.

b) Final Report: Within the 4th week after receiving KTI's comments on draft report, the Consultant will submit a final report including an executive summary and all assessments tools, surveys and findings. One copy in hard copy format to be submitted with one copy in electronic format.

c) Power point presentation for KTI team

Time and Duration

The project is expected to take a period of five (5) weeks.

Interested candidates should submit their CV’s and proposals to by 13th September 2011.

KTI will provide logistical support as needed for the field visits however consultant should provide a detailed budget for labor and data collection based on methodology.

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