Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Save the Children Livelihoods and Food Security Technical Manager Job in Nairobi

Job Title: Livelihoods and Food Security Technical Manager

Nairobi with frequent travel to the field

Reports to: Programmes Director

Coordination with: Areas Managers, Directors team, Thematic Coordinators and Emergencies Coordinator

Child Safeguarding Level: 3

Context of Work

Save the Children (SC) is an international organisation that has 27 member organisations across the globe. It is united by a common mission and brand but, to some extent, has until now been working independently from country to country.

Through Unified Presence, Save the Children aims to create a stronger voice for children by unifying the operations in all countries where more than one Save the Children Member have programmes. This will result in one organisation at the national level in each country and a unified programme delivery structure for all Save the Children International Members.

The programmes of Save the Children UK, Denmark and Finland unified in Somalia in January 2010 and as a result of this and of an active fundraising strategy, at the beginning of 2011 the programme budget was over GBP 10m covering the thematic areas of protection, child survival (which includes health, nutrition and livelihoods), education and Child Rights and Governance.

Save the Children works in all three “zones” of Somalia: Somaliland, Puntland and Central South Somalia (CSS). Due to constraints on security, and the need to liaise with UN agencies, other NGOs and donors the country office is based in Nairobi and senior managers and directors are expected to travel extensively to monitor and support programme work in all parts of Somalia that are accessible and where security threats are being effectively mitigated.

Save the Children has been engaged in the livelihoods and food security sector in Somalia and Somaliland off and on for many years. However in recent years funding available to this sector has been scarce and internal technical capacity has had to rely on short term consultancy support seeking discreet grants from donors for specific interventions.

The position of Livelihood and Food Security Technical Manager has been newly created in relation to restructuring of Save the Children Somalia’s programme.

Job Purpose

The Livelihood and Food Security Technical Manager will provide overall technical management and support to all livelihood and food security projects currently being implemented by Save the Children programme in Puntland and Central South Somalia (CSS). Save the Children is intending to expand its interventions within the sectors in the stated parts of Somalia and Somaliland.

Therefore, the manager will play a pivotal role in promoting and disseminating good practices across projects, documenting and disseminating achievements and lessons learned of projects internally and amongst donors and other key players in Nairobi and elsewhere as applicable, and will seek to expand donors support through development of projects.

This will include leading in the development of a comprehensive but realistic thematic plan for SC’s work in livelihood and food security (LHFS) sector to cover the period up to the target date for the programme to come under Save the Children International.

Key accountabilities

1. Providing Technical Management and Support

In close collaboration with area managers for Puntland and CSS and their logistics, HR and finance teams to produce a detailed work plan covering all technical activities and aspects of the LHFS projects, ensuring that these are in line with the log frame in the proposal and to oversee the review and adjustment of these as required.
  • To provide technical support to staff and managers engaged in planning and implementing LHFS projects at field level taking into account the remote nature of programming in CSS
  • To ensure that a baseline is undertaken and subsequent system of monitoring of the project implementation is put in place and adhered to.
  • To lead in developing technical research methods to support analysis of project achievements, constraints and findings and to validate these.
  • To lead in the coordination of donor reports with project and area managers and, in liaison with the operations and finance departments, to ensure that these are of high quality, reporting clearly on progress towards the outputs, and thus towards meeting the purpose, of the project as stated in the project proposals.
  • To document achievements and learning of the projects on a six monthly basis and disseminate to key players within the livelihood cluster in Somalia.
  • To lead and/or participate in any final evaluation of the LHFS projects that may be undertaken based on Save the Children’s and donors’ guidance.
  • To work together with monitoring and learning specialist to document programme learning, ensuring it is fed into organisational advocacy.
  • To lead on livelihood and food security related assessment and research
  • To explore potentials for LHFS project development and lead on the process of writing up project proposals in the sector
2. Thematic Development

Using the current FSL strategic plan, lead in the reviewing and updating of this document to produce a comprehensive but realistic thematic plan for SC’s work in Livelihood and Food Security sector to cover the period up to the target date for the programme to come under Save the Children International.
  • To ensure that the thematic plan reflects SCI’s dual mandate and addresses issues on capacity to implement this as well as seeking to expand SC’s portfolio of work in the sector.
  • Through development of the thematic plan to forge links between the LHFS sector and other thematic areas of work for Save the Children in Somalia. These include education, protection, child rights and governance and key aspects of child survival including nutrition and livelihoods.
3. Representation
  • To represent Save the Children in LHFS programme/project related meetings with donors, consortium members and other international NGOs/agencies.
  • To represent Save the Children in Agriculture and Livelihood cluster meetings held in Nairobi.
  • Identify potential key technical resource persons and organisations for aligning with them in advancing Save the Children’s advocacy in the sector and secure their expertise for learning and project development.
  • To be the primary link with technical advisers in the headquarters of the Save the
  • Children organisations who are members of the unified programme (Denmark, Finland
  • and UK)
Person specification
  • Post graduate degree in development or related fields
  • Additional training in aspects of livelihood and food security
  • At least 10 years of relevant senior level technical experience in the sector
  • Proven experience of developing and managing FSL programmes in an insecure environment
  • Proven experience in leading and developing livelihood and food security programme management in developing countries
  • Proven experience in undertaking and/or leading livelihood and food security related assessments and action oriented researches
  • Proven experience in advocacy and influencing institutional, private and/or corporate donors
  • Experience of working with local and national government departments and in capacity building of systems and staff
  • Proven experience in programme development, project cycle management and monitoring and evaluation related to the sector
  • Proven experience and report writing (in English)
Knowledge and working experience in fragile states
  • Excellent interpersonal communication and presentation skills with experience of senior level negotiation and representation.
  • Computer literate.
  • Prepared to travel to the field as security allows to support technical staff in the field.
  • Experience of working in Somalia
  • Previous experience with SC in a similar context
  • Commitment to and understanding of Save the Children’s aims, values and principles.
Working contacts

  • Other thematic technical managers, area managers, partnership and quality programmes manager and team, monitoring and evaluation specialist, emergencies manager ,security manager, project managers, HQ advisers, Regional Office programme manager and livelihood/food security advisor.
  • Donors, Government departments, Consortium partners, Research institutes, Somalia support secretariat, UN Agencies,
Code of Conduct

Because Save the Children's work is based on deeply held values and principles, it is essential that our commitment to children's rights and humanitarian principles is supported and demonstrated by all members of staff. Save the Children's Code of Conduct sets out the standards which all staff members must adhere to.

How to apply

Our selection processes reflect our commitment to the protection of children from abuse. Our people are as diverse as the challenges we face.

Applications should be forwarded to:

Application Closing Date: Saturday 16th Apr 2011, 15:00 pm

Save the Children is an equal opportunities employer and highly encourages women to apply.

Save the Children is committed to supporting performance based career progression for female employees.

The following are additional benefits which would apply to successful female candidates:
  • Childcare support for children under 3 years
  • Maternity leave
  • Flexible working options
  • 80% of tuition fees for children
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