Monday, March 28, 2011

FAWE Gender in African Education Postdoctoral Research Fellow Job in Nairobi Kenya

Context and Justification of the Fellowship

Through its research initiative, Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) aims to set the agenda on gender and education in sub-Saharan Africa and constructively engage and dialogue with government, policy makers and other regional bodies on the appropriate approaches and strategies to adopt in terms of women’s rights in education.

It seeks to support gender research on, and by African women, to promote girls’ education through the integration of gender into education policy and practice in sub-Saharan Africa.

Findings from the initiative will show how to redress the undesired gender inequities that hamper girls’ and women’s fulfilment of their right to education and their meaningful participation in Africa’s social and economic advancement.

FAWE expects the initiative to achieve the following outputs:
  • Generate a menu of strategic research topics in consultation with well-established researchers.
  • Increase the gender and education researcher base in Africa through a mentoring component, whereby senior researchers will groom young women researchers interested in this area. The consortium of researchers could develop a collaborative course combining gender analysis and innovative rights-based research methodologies.
  • Bring together all the researchers and mentees in the network to share the results of their research through a workshop that could be the first step towards a biennial African Conference on Gender and Education spearheaded by FAWE.
  • Inform policy and practice through the publication and dissemination of the work produced by the researchers in the network (FAWE Research Series).
Purpose of the Fellowship

The Gender in African Education Research Fellowship will accommodate one female researcher per year who has completed or is in the final stages of doctoral study.

The role of the Fellow will be to coordinate the research initiative with the following objectives:
  • Establish a research arm that can generate reliable, up-to-date qualitative and quantitative data on gender in African education.
  • Develop a research agenda that supports its evidence-based advocacy initiatives and that will be carried out through a collaborative gender research network, specifically focused on gender in/and education research.
  • Act as a clearinghouse for gender research funding from various funding partners.
Specifically, for the 2011/2012 fellowship period, the Fellow will:
  • Develop and coordinate FAWE’s research agenda aimed at initiating or extending work related to gender and education in Africa.
  • Investigate various topics related to gender and education.
  • Develop a database of existing research or annotated bibliographies of gender and education research in Africa.
  • Contribute to the evaluation of key FAWE programmes.
  • Assist in organising sharing workshops.
  • Coordinate publication and dissemination of the FAWE Research Series.
Required Qualifications and Competencies

The Fellowship will target individuals whose research work to date shows promise of making substantive contributions to strengthening gender research to improve girls’ and women’s education in Africa.

Applicants will demonstrate originality of approach and significant potential for making a contribution to the formulation of gender-responsive education policy and practice.

Applicants should:
  • Hold a doctoral degree obtained from a recognised university within the past five years or be in the final stages of doctoral study at a recognised university with relevant professional experience. Doctoral study with clear linkages to relevant national or regional policies will be preferred.
  • Have significant relevant knowledge or experience of education, gender and development issues in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Be able to demonstrate a strong commitment to contribute to work on girls’ and women’s education in Africa.
  • Have a proven track record of academic research and be endorsed by an academic institution or organisation with which they have been involved for at least two years. Exceptional candidates without such organisational ties will be given special consideration.
  • Have a demonstrable plan for how to utilise knowledge gained in the Fellowship upon return to their countries and organisations.
  • Have strong oral and written communication skills in both English and French.
How to apply


Closing date: 01 Apr 2011
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