Thursday, February 3, 2011

Greensteds International School Jobs in Nakuru Kenya

Vacancies for September 2011

Celebrating 75 years in International educational provision. Greensteds is a co-educational boarding and day school (IAPS and CIS) following the National Curriculum of England & Wales from Early Years to IGCSE, and A level.

We welcome applicants for the following

1. Head of the Junior School

2. Secondary Mathematics Teacher to A level

3. Secondary Business Studies Teacher to A level

4. Assistant Bursar

Greensteds School is situated 140 km north of Nairobi, in the heart of Kenya's Rift Valley and within ten minutes drive of Lake Nakuru National Park

The School is set in a rural, secluded, 50-acre site and is one of the leading International boarding schools in Kenya serving internationally minded parents all over the world.

Our aim is to provide an enjoyable and challenging learning experience where students are able to acquire all the skills and knowledge necessary for them to become future leaders of good character, ready to make a difference in a global society.

Greensteds has a strong academic record yet places equal emphasis upon commitment to character building activities. Our busy extra curricular programme includes Sport, Music, Drama, the Arts, Community Service, the President's Award (DofE) Programme and a wide range of outdoor challenges.

Responsibility posts may be available for suitably qualified applicants for the Secondary positions.

Further information about the above posts is available from Tabitha or Jacquie upon request

Please visit our website: for an overview of the school

Applicants should e-mail a CV with a covering letter and contact details of referees to;

The Headmaster,
Mr. M.P. Bentley.

Closing date Sunday 6th February.

Interviews will be held during the week commencing Monday 7th February 2011.
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