The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) is a not-for-profit organization formed in 2006 to work with African governments, farmers, donors, NGOs and the private sector to reduce hunger and poverty ¡n Africa through agricultural development targeted at resource poor farmers.
AGRA has its headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya and an office in Accra, Ghana.
AGRA is seeking to recruit a highly competent and experienced individual to fill the position of Research Analyst. This position will enable AGRA to support Policy Action Nodes (PANs) and governments improve policy analysis and advocacy processes ¡n the AGRA target countries.
The position will be based ¡n Nairobi, on a three year renewable contract and will report to a Program Officer, Policy.
Specific responsibilities:
AGRA has its headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya and an office in Accra, Ghana.
AGRA is seeking to recruit a highly competent and experienced individual to fill the position of Research Analyst. This position will enable AGRA to support Policy Action Nodes (PANs) and governments improve policy analysis and advocacy processes ¡n the AGRA target countries.
The position will be based ¡n Nairobi, on a three year renewable contract and will report to a Program Officer, Policy.
Specific responsibilities:
- Conducting policy analyses in support of the overall policy advocacy work of AGRA;
- Setting up and maintaining a policy knowledge center as a repository of policy databases and resources for access by AGRA, policy makers and the general public;
- Coordinating and maintaining the policy knowledge centers ¡n the AGRA priority countries;
- Synthesizing relevant commissioned studies into policy briefs for AGRA and policy makers; and
- Maintaining a dedicated website within the AGRA website for agricultural policy resources.
Key qualifications:
- A Masters degree in agricultural economics, economics, or a related field with a strong research and publications background and at least three years post qualification experience in a reputable organization;
- Experience working within a multicultural environment, as well as the ability to work closely with diverse groups of donors;
- Experience in monitoring and evaluation, design and maintenance of databases and websites ¡s an added advantage;
- Excellent oral and written communication skills ¡n English as well as strong research and analytical skills; and
- Ability to travel as well as advanced knowledge in computing especially in Microsoft Office applications.
Applicants should submit their application with a detailed CV, stating their current position, remuneration, e-mail and telephone contacts, quoting reference number RA - 03111 on both the application letter and envelope.
To be considered your application must be received by 25 March 2011 addressed to:
The Director,
Executive Selection Division
Deloitte Consulting Limited
Deloitte Place
Muthangari, Waiyaki Way
P.O Box 40092 - 0100 Nairobi
Tel: (254 20) 423 0000