Friday, February 5, 2010

International Consultant for the Assessment of Diaspora Contributions in Somalia, New Job Nairobi, Kenya

Closing Date: Friday, 12 February 2010


Location : Nairobi, KENYA

Application Deadline : 12-Feb-10

Type of Contract : SSA

Languages Required :

Duration of Initial Contract : 6 weeks

Refer a Friend  Apply Now


Objectives of the assignment

The UNDP Somalia Country Programme is focusing on post-conflict recovery and consolidation of peace. The Programme is composed of Rule of Law and Security, Recovery and Sustainable Livelihoods, Governance and Human Development and Economics. The cross-cutting areas/projects are HIV/AIDS, ICT, human rights and gender. UNDP has in the past undertaken studies to map out social networks of the Diaspora in the development of Somalia.
The Diaspora has been a major contributor to the Somali economy and its livelihoods through remittances, humanitarian assistance and participation in recovery and reconstruction efforts. UNDP commissioned a short study in early 2009 to understand both the areas where the Diaspora efforts are currently focused and to identify important Diaspora groupings and channels of communication with the development and humanitarian community in Somalia to enable the UN, international partners, the Diaspora and Somali stakeholders to join hands for more effective humanitarian assistance and recovery efforts in Somalia. The study was useful in providing a clearer picture about the Somali Diaspora and their attachments to their roots in Somalia. The findings of the study provided some useful insight into Diaspora activities.

UNDP wants to build upon those findings to provide continuity to the UN’s initiative to partner with and establish ways to maximize the valuable contribution that the Diaspora can make to humanitarian, recovery and development efforts in Somalia, together with the international community, the governments and civil society organizations, and identify the mechanisms for engagement and support between the Diaspora and the aid community. The proposed study provides that continuity, which will also provide inputs to the development and implementation of new initiatives to engage with the Somali Diaspora.

The partnership with the Diaspora can be an effective means to accelerate progress towards achieving the MDGs as the overall results would impact upon all of the eight development goals. This engagement can also contribute to the outcomes of the United Nations Transitional Plan (UNTP) and the Recovery and Development Plan (RDP).

The main objective of this study is to provide evidence-based information to support the Somali Diaspora to undertake development interventions and support humanitarian assistance jointly with the UN to maximize results and move forward towards sustainable peace and development.
The mission will also make an assessment of the contribution and impact of the Diaspora’s engagement in Somalia in promoting peace and development. The study should provide a policy framework and strategy, which will provide the direction for strategic interventions, and an action plan in the areas identified for support.
It is in this context that UNDP seeks to engage an international consultant to assist in conducting a study to assess and quantify Diaspora contributions to social protection and investments in different sectors, in addition to the mechanisms through which the funds are flowing into Somalia and how this is impacting upon livelihoods, development and humanitarian response; and recommend mechanisms through which the UN can partner with the Diaspora to facilitate effective humanitarian response.

Duties and Responsibilities

Scope of work

The scope of work under this assignment will cover the following:
  • Conduct an assessment to determine how the economic contribution of Diaspora flows can be sustained to protect social safety nets.
  • Make an assessment of the investments of the Diaspora in basic social services and business in Somalia, identifying constraints and opportunities and recommending measures for expansion in these fields.
  • Make an assessment of existing channels for providing humanitarian assistance and recommend mechanisms through which the UN can partner with the Diaspora to facilitate effective humanitarian response.
The findings and recommendations of the study will be discussed at a workshop where the UN and other international partners and experts, and those engaged in joint initiatives with the Diaspora in Somalia, including a broad range of civil society organizations and the private sector, will come together to develop a common approach for future partnerships between the UN and the Somali Diaspora.

In particular, the International Consultant will:
  • Make an assessment of the contribution of remittances in supporting livelihoods of the households of the Somalis and the impact of the global economic crisis on remittance flows, identifying mechanisms that would safeguard Diaspora funding during times of economic crises.
  • Examine the impact of remittances on capacity development, service delivery and poverty reduction.
  • Recommend interventions required to sustain livelihoods of the households dependent on remittance incomes from Diaspora.
  • Identify the areas and opportunities for the Diaspora to invest in higher education and recommend how these opportunities can be accessed, linking them with government strategies.
  • Determine the nature and level of Diaspora business investments by sector.
  • Assist in any other assignments that may be allocated by the team leader.
There are two stages in this initiative. The first stage is the proposed study, which will provide inputs to the second stage –the formulation of a programme for implementation on the ground. This study should be helpful in collating information on the contribution of the Diaspora, gathering gender-disaggregated data where possible, and identifying the interventions for sustaining social safety nets. These interventions can help in strengthening the backward linkages in the value chains and sustaining the small-scale initiatives to support the livelihoods of the poor. The study should also be able to identify the measures that need to be taken to create an enabling investment climate for public private partnerships, and commercial business investments. Further, the study should identify the capacity needs of the Diaspora as well as those of the government to achieve operational effectiveness and greater coordination for humanitarian assistance. These inputs will feed into a programme, which will be developed for implementation on the ground, to support Diaspora engagement and partnerships with the UN and other development stakeholders.

Work Plan/Activities

The International Consultant will assist to:
  • Prepare an inception report a week after the commissioning of the study with activities detailed out in a matrix with a work plan, with stipulated timelines, a clear delineation of responsibilities among all the consultants, a methodology for the survey, a set of questionnaires and checklists to be pre-tested and finalized in the field and the proposed outline of the report.
  • Develop and conduct a survey on the Diaspora flows into Somalia, covering all forms of analyses under the scope of work.
  • Review, pre-test and finalize questionnaires and checklists, conduct training of enumerators, guide and oversee the survey on Diaspora flows in Somalia, conduct interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs), collate and interpret the data and field-level information, and conduct analysis and draw conclusions and recommendations from them.
  • Conduct thorough background research, using both primary and secondary information, for the assessment.
  • Prepare an inventory of the available literature and an abstract of the literature review including the documentation of best practices from conflict/post-conflict countries.
  • Make recommendations based on the findings from the assessment on more effective mechanisms of increasing the impact of Diaspora flows with an action matrix.
  • Prepare a draft report to be widely discussed at a workshop and assist in organizing the workshop.
  • Incorporate comments and recommendations from UNDP and the workshop and submit the final report to UNDP.
  • Based on the findings and recommendations of the study, formulate a project document – using the UNDP format – with the strategic interventions, and an action plan in the areas identified for support.
In particular, he/she will focus on analyzing data and conducting assessments of business investments.

Monitoring and Progress controls

The international consultant, together with the two national consultants, will assist the Lead Consultant to prepare a work plan and weekly reports that can be reviewed from time to time as the situation dictates to assess whether the work performed meets the standards set by the Human Development and Economics Unit (HDEU).

Final products/deliverables
  • Inception report with activities detailed out in a matrix with a timeline. The report should contain a clear delineation of responsibilities between the consultants; a methodology for the survey; a set of questionnaires; and the proposed outline of the report
  • Draft report to be presented to UNDP first and subsequently at a workshop.
  • A final report, both in hard and soft copy, incorporating comments and recommendations from the workshop.
  • A final version of the cleaned data set in soft copy.
  • An action plan for the establishment of a network of the Somali Diaspora and forging of partnership with the UN (paying particular attention to advancing the delivery of social and humanitarian services; business interventions; and sustaining of livelihoods of remittance-reliant households).
  • A project document for implementation in the field.
Review/approval time

The study will commence from the beginning of March 2010 and the final draft report should be submitted at the end of July. A workshop will be organized in the first week of August to discuss the findings of the report and the Lead International Consultant, together with the other consultants, will submit the final report incorporating comments from UNDP and from the Workshop by mid-August. The project documents should be submitted to UNDP by end-August.


  • Solid background in social safety net research and analysis in conflict, transition or post-conflict countries.
  • Strong analytical and writing skills (including previous work published in the subject area).

Required Skills and Experience

  • An advanced degree in economics/social sciences and/or other field relevant to social protection and research specialization preferably in conflict/transition countries.
  • A minimum of 10 years of relevant experience at the national and/or international level.

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.


Lead International Consultant for the Assessment of Diaspora Contributions in Somalia, New Job: Nairobi

Closing Date: Friday, 12 February 2010


Location : Nairobi, KENYA

Application Deadline : 12-Feb-10

Type of Contract : SSA

Languages Required :

Duration of Initial Contract : 4 Months

Refer a Friend  Apply Now


Objectives of the assignment

The UNDP Somalia Country Programme is focusing on post-conflict recovery and consolidation of peace. The Programme is composed of Rule of Law and Security, Recovery and Sustainable Livelihoods, Governance and Human Development and Economics. The cross-cutting areas/projects are HIV/AIDS, ICT, human rights and gender. UNDP has in the past undertaken studies to map out social networks of the Diaspora in the development of Somalia.

The Diaspora has been a major contributor to the Somali economy and its livelihoods through remittances, humanitarian assistance and participation in recovery and reconstruction efforts. UNDP commissioned a short study in early 2009 to understand both the areas where the Diaspora efforts are currently focused and to identify important Diaspora groupings and channels of communication with the development and humanitarian community in Somalia to enable the UN, international partners, the Diaspora and Somali stakeholders to join hands for more effective humanitarian assistance and recovery efforts in Somalia. The study was useful in providing a clearer picture about the Somali Diaspora and their attachments to their roots in Somalia. The findings of the study provided some useful insight into Diaspora activities.

UNDP wants to build upon those findings to provide continuity to the UN’s initiative to partner with and establish ways to maximize the valuable contribution that the Diaspora can make to humanitarian, recovery and development efforts in Somalia, together with the international community, the governments and civil society organizations, and identify the mechanisms for engagement and support between the Diaspora and the aid community. The proposed study provides that continuity, which will also provide inputs to the development and implementation of new initiatives to engage with the Somali Diaspora.

The partnership with the Diaspora can be an effective means to accelerate progress towards achieving the MDGs as the overall results would impact upon all of the eight development goals. This engagement can also contribute to the outcomes of the United Nations Transitional Plan (UNTP) and the Recovery and Development Plan (RDP).

The main objective of this study is to provide evidence-based information to support the Somali Diaspora to undertake development interventions and support humanitarian assistance jointly with the UN to maximize results and move forward towards sustainable peace and development.
The mission will also make an assessment of the contribution and impact of the Diaspora’s engagement in Somalia in promoting peace and development. The study should provide a policy framework and strategy, which will provide the direction for strategic interventions, and an action plan in the areas identified for support.
It is in this context that UNDP seeks to engage a Lead International Consultant to conduct a study to assess and quantify Diaspora contributions to social protection and investments in different sectors, in addition to the mechanisms through which the funds are flowing into Somalia and how this is impacting upon livelihoods, development and humanitarian response; and recommend mechanisms through which the UN can partner with the Diaspora to facilitate effective humanitarian response.

Duties and Responsibilities

Scope of work

The scope of work under this assignment will cover the following:
  • Conduct an assessment to determine how the economic contribution of Diaspora flows can be sustained to protect social safety nets.
  • Make an assessment of the investments of the Diaspora in basic social services and business in Somalia, identifying constraints and opportunities and recommending measures for expansion in these fields.
  • Make an assessment of existing channels for providing humanitarian assistance and recommend mechanisms through which the UN can partner with the Diaspora to facilitate effective humanitarian response.
    The findings and recommendations of the study will be discussed at a workshop where the UN and other international partners and experts, and those engaged in joint initiatives with the Diaspora in Somalia, including a broad range of civil society organizations and the private sector, will come together to develop a common approach for future partnerships between the UN and the Somali Diaspora.
The Lead International Consultant will be responsible for the overall outputs of the mission, as well as the coordination and quality control of the assessment. As the team leader, he/she will work under the supervision and oversight of the UNDP Senior Economist and will be responsible for delineating responsibilities and extracting timely outputs from each team member. In addition, he/she will ultimately be responsible for:
  • Compiling information on communication tools and channels to reach Somali Diaspora (organizations and individuals) effectively;
  • Examining ways to establish channels to undertake joint efforts to achieve operational effectiveness and greater coordination for humanitarian assistance through partnerships between the UN and related Diaspora activities;
  • Identifying measures required to forge close partnership between the UN and Diaspora in the provision of social services to strengthen the linkage with the local communities to provide more effective, sustainable and timely local response and access;
  • Assessing the capacity of the Diaspora to engage with UN logistical resources and make better use of existing UN response capacity during times of natural and man-made disasters, with the support of the UN system;
  • Examining what types of business establishments, SMEs and forms of public private partnerships related to Diaspora exist and identify the steps required to enhance capacity to create an enabling investment climate including appropriate legislations, institutions, and capacity development initiatives.
There are two stages in this initiative. The first stage is the proposed study, which will provide inputs to the second stage –the formulation of a programme for implementation on the ground. This study should be helpful in collating information on the contribution of the Diaspora, gathering gender-disaggregated data where possible, and identifying the interventions for sustaining social safety nets. These interventions can help in strengthening the backward linkages in the value chains and sustaining the small-scale initiatives to support the livelihoods of the poor. The study should also be able to identify the measures that need to be taken to create an enabling investment climate for public private partnerships, and commercial business investments. Further, the study should identify the capacity needs of the Diaspora as well as those of the government to achieve operational effectiveness and greater coordination for humanitarian assistance. These inputs will feed into a programme, which will be developed for implementation on the ground, to support Diaspora engagement and partnerships with the UN and other development stakeholders.

Work Plan/Activities

The Lead International Consultant will:
  • Prepare an inception report a week after the commissioning of the study with activities detailed out in a matrix with a work plan, with stipulated timelines, a clear delineation of responsibilities among all the consultants, a methodology for the survey, a set of questionnaires and checklists to be pre-tested and finalized in the field and the proposed outline of the report.
  • Review, pre-test and finalize questionnaires and checklists, conduct training of enumerators, guide and oversee the survey on Diaspora flows in Somalia, conduct interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs), collate and interpret the data and field-level information, and conduct analysis and draw conclusions and recommendations from them.
  • Develop and conduct a survey on the Diaspora flows into Somalia, covering all forms of analyses under the scope of work.
  • Conduct thorough background research, using both primary and secondary information, for the assessment.
  • Prepare an inventory of the available literature and an abstract of the literature review, including the documentation of best practices from other conflict/post-conflict countries.
  • Make recommendations based on the findings from the assessment on more effective mechanisms of increasing the impact of Diaspora flows with an action matrix.
  • Prepare a draft report to be widely discussed at a workshop and assist in organizing the workshop.
  • Incorporate comments and recommendations from UNDP and the workshop and submit the final report to UNDP.
  • Based on the findings and recommendations of the study, formulate a project document – using the UNDP format – with the strategic interventions, and an action plan in the areas identified for support.
Monitoring and Progress controls

The Lead International Consultant will prepare a work-plan with the assistance of the international consultant and the two national consultants for the duration of the assignment, which can be reviewed from time to time as the situation dictates. He/she will also prepare a bi-weekly report, which will be reviewed to establish if the work performed meets the standards set by the Human Development and Economics Unit (HDEU).

Final products/deliverables
  • Inception report with activities detailed out in a matrix with a timeline. The report should contain a clear delineation of responsibilities between the consultants; a methodology for the survey; a set of questionnaires; and the proposed outline of the report.
  • Draft report to be presented to UNDP first and subsequently at a workshop.
  • A final report, both in hard and soft copy, incorporating comments and recommendations from the workshop.
  • A final version of the cleaned data set in a soft copy.
  • An action plan for the establishment of a network of the Somali Diaspora and forging of partnership with the UN (paying particular attention to advancing the delivery of social and humanitarian services; business interventions; and sustaining of livelihoods of remittance-reliant households).
  • A project document for implementation in the field.
Review/approval time

The study will commence from the beginning of March 2010 and the final draft report should be submitted at the end of July. A workshop will be organized in the first week of August to discuss the findings of the report and the consultant will submit the final report incorporating comments from UNDP and from the workshop by mid-August. The project documents should be submitted to UNDP by end-August.


  • Specific expertise or demonstrated knowledge of economies of conflict, transition, or post-conflict countries essential.
  • Experience in policy design from transition or conflict countries desirable.

Required Skills and Experience

  • An advanced degree in Economics and/or other field relevant to economic development and research specialization preferably in conflict/transition countries. 
  • A minimum of 10 years of relevant work experience at the national and/or international level with extensive experience in research and policy-level analysis.

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

Programme Assistant, New Job Nairobi

Closing Date: Thursday, 25 February 2010

Programme Assistant, G-6
DATE OF ISSUANCE:  26 Jan 2010
ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT:  United Nations Environment Programme
Appointment against this post is on a local basis. External candidates will be considered only when no suitable internal candidate from the duty station is identified. The candidate is responsible for any travel expenses incurred to take-up the appointment. Staff members are subject to the authority of and assignment by the SG. All staff are expected to move periodically to new functions in their careers in accordance with established rules and procedures.
Depending on professional background, experience and family situation, a competitive compensation and benefits package is offered.
United Nations Core Values: Integrity, Professionalism, Respect for Diversity
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the United Nations systems designated entity for addressing environmental issues at the global and regional level. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action. UNEP's Division of Early Warning and Assessment (DEWA) is responsible for analyzing the state of the global environment, providing early warning information and assessing global and regional environmental trends to catalyze and promote international cooperation and action on the environment. This post is located in the UNEP/DEWA at the Nairobi duty station. Under the general supervision of the Project Coordinator, the incumbent will undertake the following: 1. Research, compile, analyse, summarize and present basic information/data on specific, programme/project topics.2. Assist in the coordination of programme/project planning and preparation; Monitor status of programme/project proposals; ensure project documents are completed and submitted to relevant parties for approval.3. Assist in the preparation of programme/project proposals; Provide assistance in the interpretation of Logical Framework Analysis (LFA) guidelines; review and coordinate submissions of programme proposals, ensure that requisite information is included and justified in terms of proposed activities; propose adjustments; prepare reports and ensure outputs/services are categorized.4. Assist in the monitoring and evaluation of programme/projects; Categorize, update, track and analyse data related to programme/projects; carry out periodic status reviews, identify issues and initiate requisite follow-up actions; prepare revised budget estimates; report on budget revisions, expenditures and obligations, verify availability of funds; ensure approval and entry in computerized budget system; initiate financial authorizations for expenditures.5. Collaborate with programme/project managers on performance reporting; Interprete activities/services scheduled in the programme of work and various planning instruments such as the medium-term plan and internal work plans; provide assistance on reporting requirements, guidelines, rules and procedures and ensure completeness and accuracy of data submitted.6. Draft correspondence, programme/project summaries, coordinate review and clearance process, and assist in the preparation of materials, documents and other logistics for seminars, workshops and meetings.7. Serve as focal point for coordination, monitoring and expedition of programme/project implementation activities.8. Prepare, maintain and update files and internal databases; design and generate periodic and ad hoc reports, statistical tables, graphic content, and other materials/notes to facilitate inspection and other reviews.9. Provide guidance and training to new/junior staff10. Perform other duties as assigned.

Professionalism: Knowledge of the functions and organization of UNEP. Ability to identify and resolve a range of issues/problems and to work well with figures, undertake basic research and gather information from standard sources. Observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations. Communication: Good communication (spoken and written) skills; excellent drafting skills. Listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately. Asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication. Tailors language, tone, style and format to match audience. Teamwork: Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals. Ability to work harmoniously as part of an international and multicultural team. Planning and Organizing: Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies; identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required; allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work; foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; uses time efficiently.

Completion of secondary-level education is required. Additional training in administrative/programme or project management is desirable.

Work Experience
Minimum of six (6) years of responsible work experience in the field of programme management with strong emphasis on finance and administration management is required some of which in an international organization.

English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariate. For the post advertised, fluency in oral and written English is required.

Other Skills
Excellent computer skills (Microsoft Office, e-mail,internet) are required. Knowledge of IMIS system would be an asset. Proficiency in other technical software such as MS Project would be an added advantage.

The United Nations shall place no restrictions on the eligibility of men and women to participate in any capacity and under conditions of equality in its principal and subsidiary organs. (Charter of the United Nations - Chapter 3, article 8). English and French are the two working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. The United Nations Secretariat is a non-smoking environment.


How to apply

All applicants are strongly encouraged to apply online as soon as possible after the vacancy has been posted and well before the deadline stated in the vacancy announcement. Because applications submitted by United Nations (UN) staff members are considered first, provided the eligibility requirements set out in ST/AI/2006/3 are met and the application is submitted in a timely fashion, staff members should apply within 15-day or 30-day mark.

Online applications will be acknowledged where an email address has been provided. If you do not receive an e-mail acknowledgement within 24 hours of submission, your application may not have been received. In such cases, please go to “My UN” page and check the status of your application by clicking on “View Application History”, and resubmit the application, if necessary.
  1. To start the application process, applicants are required to register by opening a "My UN" account. Go to Login, and Register as a User. Fill in the form and choose a User Name and Password.
  2. After opening the account, applicants may apply for vacancies using the Personal History Profile (PHP) provided. Once the PHP has been completed for a particular vacancy, it can be saved and used for future applications. The PHP may be up-dated, when necessary, for future applications.
  3. In completing the PHP, please note that all fields marked with an asterisk must be completed.
  4. UN staff members must submit scanned copies of their two latest Performance Appraisal System (PAS) reports at the time of application to the appropriate Human Resources Office (HRO)/Personnel Office (PO) to the email address below, clearly indicating the vacancy announcement number. In case you have no access to the digitizing equipment, please submit hard copies of the two latest PAS reports to the relevant HRO/PO via fax.


    Fax: 254-20-762-4212
Please see the Frequently Asked Questions, if you encounter problems when applying.

New Job Security Advisor, Nairobi, Kenya

Closing Date: Tuesday, 16 February 2010
More jobs by tag: Mine Action; North America

United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

UNOPS helps its partners in the United Nations system meet the world’s needs for building peace, recovering from disaster, and creating sustainable development. UNOPS is known for its ability to implement complex projects in all types of environments around the globe. In an effort to promote organizational excellence, UNOPS seeks highly qualified individuals for the following position:

Vacancy Details

Vacancy Code: 2010/NAO/SOM/SO/FT/16-02
Post Title: Security Officer
Post Level: P3 Fixed Term Appointment (ICS 10)
Org Unit. Mine Action Programme – Somalia, UNOPS North America Office Mine Action Unit
Duty Station: Nairobi (frequent travel to Somalia)
Duration. 12 Months (renewable - subject to funds availability and satisfactory performance)
Closing Date: 16 February

For further job description please click the "More Information and Application Details" button.

New Job Senior Programme Specialist in Science and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya

Closing Date: Monday, 22 February 2010

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

UNESCO - the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) contributes to peace and human development in an era of globalization by furthering international cooperation through its programmes in education, sciences, culture and communication. With its 193 Member States and 5 Associate Members, UNESCO has its Headquarters in Paris (France) and operates globally through a network of offices and several institutes.

Vacancy details:

Position Title :  Senior Programme Specialist in Science & Technology
Duty Station :  Nairobi, Kenya
Grade: P-5
Organisational unit :  UNESCO Office in Nairobi and Regional Bureau for Science in Africa
Closing Date :    22 February 2010
Post number :    AF/RP/KEN/SC/0006

More info

New Job Operations Data Manager, Nairobi

Closing Date: Friday, 26 February 2010

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Refugee Organisation
Closing date: 26 Feb 2010
Location: Somalia - Mogadishu, but the staff member will be located in Nairobi, Kenya

Organizational context:
The incumbent of this post is responsible for managing operational data and reporting. He/she will perform the following main functions:
- Facilitate and/or dispatch data collection in the local operation, including data collection methodology, data processing and data analysis.
- Respond to report requests from local staff, local governments, partners, donors and headquarters.
- Act as a local lead in compiling and calculating statistics.
- Train local staff and/or organize training in data management best practices.
- Liaise with headquarters on new reporting requirements and procedures.
- Ensure that relevant data elements are collected in a standardized way that is compatible with Geographic Information System (GIS).
- Coordinate with GIS Officers in the field and Senior GIS Officers in headquarters to define data structure, interfaces and algorithms.
- Liaise with implementing and operational partners on data issues, participate in and/or organize inter-agency data groups at the Field level, and, if necessary, advise partners on methodological issues and promote timely reporting of data, according to agreed standards, for which they are responsible.
- Conduct data collection audits in order to ensure that no unnecessary data collection is occurring and to ensure that all necessary data is being captured.
- Record explicit data audit trails and metadata elements when calculating statistics, such that data sources, data quality and the methods of calculation are systematically kept.
- Develop new data collection and data analysis tools, including efficient data capturing forms.
- Manage the registration (“proGres”) database, oversee data input and reporting in close collaboration with other officers (protection, registration, community services, etc.)
- Create and maintain databases and spreadsheets that meet operational requirements.
- Convert, import and export data from systems as required.
- Support end-users of database systems.
- Archive and backup database systems.
- To perform other duties as required.

Qualifications and experience:
- University Degree (B.A.) in social science, computer science, demography, geography, statistics, economics or a related field is required.
- Minimum of 8 years experience in data management, statistics, analysis, information technology and administration Experience in manging monitoring and surveillance systems in humanitarian organizations or in large, complex organizations.
- Ability to code in SQL.
- Fluent in English and very good knowledge of another UN working language.
How to apply
A full curriculum vitae, including nationality and references, should be sent to: UNHCR, Vacancy Management Unit (quoting ref. 10012920), case postale 2500, 1211 Geneva 2 Dépôt, Switzerland, or by fax (+41 22) 739 7322, or preferably, by e-mail:
Reference Code: RW_825HAK-87
Source: Reliefweb

New Job Extended Term Consultant, Private Sector Development, Nairobi, Kenya

Closing Date: Wednesday, 03 March 2010
Job # 100275
Job Title E T Consultant
Job Family Private Sector Development
Location Nairobi, Kenya
Appointment Local Hire
Job Posted 03-Feb-2010
Closing Date 03-Mar-2010
Language Requirements English [Essential]
Appointment Type
Background / General description
In August 2007, the Board of the World Bank approved the Somalia Interim Strategy Note (ISN) which sets out the proposed program of re-engagement for the Bank in Somalia.  The ISN has four programming pillars:

 Building basic accountability in Somaliland and Puntland, and more limitedly in south-central Somalia as circumstances permit, thereby assisting the authorities to use and account for donor and domestic resources;  

 Piloting Community Driven Development (CDD) service delivery in selected communities in Somaliland and Puntland. This CDD approach involves addressing community needs, rebuilding social capital, and strengthening and empowering local level institutions through bottom-up participation. 

 Supporting the private sector in Somaliland and Puntland.  Somalia’s economy, which at present is entirely private-sector led, can potentially do far more to generate jobs and economic opportunities, particularly for the country’s large youth population, than all Official Development Assistance (ODA) combined.  Bank/International Finance Corporation (IFC) collaboration will help the authorities develop a supportive enabling regulatory and legal framework – in areas such as business entry and exit, compliance with international standards, and microfinance.  

 Providing economic advisory services.  The fourth objective is ensuring that the economic agenda is in sync with progress on the political front.  

Based on work done to date, particularly by UNDP and subsequent World Bank review of priority governance-related actions in the PSD arena, the following areas of engagement are foreseen for support as part of a joint World Bank Group\UNDP Private Sector Development Re-Engagement Program:

• Legal and Regulatory Framework:  Improvements in key areas impacting transaction costs and investment decisions of private sector including: (a) trade facilitation – ports and customs; export and import licensing and quality standards of key merchandise trade; (b) finance and credit – establishment of policy framework to support development of sustainable SME commercial banking services; (c) value-chain development – with specific focus on the agro-business

• Public-Private Dialogue:  Capacity building to support key business and industry groups contribute effectively to the national policy and programming dialogue, to support membership voice private sector concerns, and obtain selected key services that will assist in business growth and employment.

• Public-Private Partnerships (PPP):  Further development of public-private partnerships in infrastructure and social service delivery will be a priority – particularly targeting transport (ports) and solid waste.  In addition to extending the reach and raising the quality of such services, PPPs also have the potential to increase social inclusion and cohesion.

This assignment located in Nairobi but require regular travel to Somaliland (Hargesia) where the program is currently operational.  Expansion of the program beyond Somaliland would be considered subject to security and budget considerations.  The assignment will also include close cooperation with the UNDP project team and other donors based in Nairobi that are active in the Somalia Re-engagement.
Duties and Accountabilities
The Private Sector Development Specialist will be based in the World Bank Nairobi Office, and will report to the AFTFE Lead Specialist responsible for the Somalia work program. As a key member of the PSD team, the Private Sector Development Specialist will facilitate timely, sensitive and effective communication with Government counterparts responsible for the PSD Re-Engagement Program and contribute to implementation support, analytical work and local advisory and coordination. The Private Sector Development Specialist will all also provide the technical support and back-up to other program TTL(s), specialists and international and local consultants involved in the program to ensure effective and coordinated implementation for all the project activities. 

The specific duties will encompass the following scope of work:

• Provide Project Supervision Support including:

i. Develop, supervise and monitor World Bank Group activities based on program work plans, logical frameworks, and milestones (WLM) to ensure program remains on track to meet project development outcomes and results;

ii. Task leadership of specific trust fund activities on behalf of AFTFE;

iii. Coordination of activities with IFC departments, including identification and development of possible joint TA\investment activities;

iv. Support local regional coordinators based in the field (currently only in Hargesia);

• Provide technical leadership on program activities, including:

i. Specific expertise in one of the key areas of the Re-Engagement Program (investment climate and enterprise development, financial sector development, Public-Private Partnerships)

ii. Technical and policy advice to stakeholders;

iii. Preparation of policy and best practice notes, based on ongoing field operations;

iv. Identification and structuring of key resources required to meet technical and capacity building objectives of the program;

• Maintain close cooperation with the key stakeholders – both donors and participants - in Kenya and the region (including Dubai and the Gulf)  involved in the three key components of the program in accordance with agreed program “WLM” to ensure an ongoing effective and responsive partnership;

• Other Cross-Support to Private\Financial Sector activities in conflict-affected countries in the East and Southern Africa region, as directed by the AFTFE sector manager.
Selection Criteria
Qualifications and expertise sought for this assignment are as follows:

• An advanced degree in business, public policy, economics, banking or related field 

• A minimum of 8 years experience in implementation and monitoring of donor funded projects. And the ability to adopt an integrated approach to implementing the project

• Conceptual and analytical skills, with the ability to think strategically and rapidly analyze and integrate diverse information from varied sources into conclusions and recommendations.

• Excellent team-working and collaborative behaviors, with a strong focus on meeting demands from identified key clients.

• Excellent verbal and written communication and presentation skills in English are essential. 

• Strong client orientation and inter-personal skills with proven ability to work cooperatively with large multi-disciplinary country teams, all levels of staff, managers, clients, and development partners. 

• Positive attitude, self-motivated, results-oriented.

• Interest in working in a conflict-affected and post-conflict environment.
More Info at 
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