Mulli Brothers Limited is one of the subsidiaries of MBL Holdings Limited and has three divisional units operating under it and there are:- Transportation (Bulk haulage of dry and wet goods), Agribusiness and General trading units.
Vacancies have arisen at Mulli Brothers Limited for Managing Director, General Manager – Transport, General Manager – Agribusiness, General Manager-General Trading and Operations Director
Managing Director
Job Purpose
The Managing Director of Mulli Brothers Limited will provide leadership and direction and coordinate all activities of the three divisions namely Transport, General Trading and Agribusiness in accordance with the goals to safeguard and grow revenues whilst minimising the cost of doing business.
Key Responsibilities
The Managing Director is invested with broad responsibilities and authority. Portions of these can be delegated to the three divisional General Managers but not the overall responsibility of the sustainability and profitability of the business of the three divisions.
Key Accountabilities
Strategy Development, Planning and Reporting
- Taking a proactive role in the formulation of future strategic objectives and bringing them to the Board for input, discussion and decision as to ratification.
- Ensuring that strong strategic and annual planning processes are in place to produce effective plans for approval by the Board.
- Ensuring that all financial and non financial reporting requirements are met on a timely and regular basis
- Ensuring that reporting to the Board is always totally ‘transparent’ and on a ‘no surprises basis.
Relationship Management
- Developing and maintaining effective strategic relationships with key stakeholders including shareholders, banks, contract counterparties, customers and partners.
- Developing a wide range of relationships and networks with the local and international markets for all the three divisional units
- Ensuring the development of effective and innovative lobbying strategies to industry and government in order to promote the interests of investment in transport, agribusiness and General trading markets.
Operational Management
- Ensuring that the day-to-day operations of the organisation are effectively and efficiently co-ordinated and implemented and conducted within the framework agreed to by the Board.
- Maintaining effective working relationships with the Chairman and broader board.
- Develop and manage performance based contracts for the achievement of agreed goals for each of the three divisional units
Staff and Contractor Management and Leadership
- Building and maintaining a high performance culture through effective performance management, communication and coaching of staff and contract workers.
- Provide clear leadership and promote and foster a team culture consistent with the organisations values.
Qualification and experience
Applicants should at least have a Masters degree in Business Administration or its equivalent.