Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Marketing, Communications, and Finance Jobs in Kenya

For a well established top performing medium size bank with latest profit well over 50% above last year
Job Ref: 5790
Job Title: Head of Marketing

Graduate with at least 5 years in senior marketing experience in banks/financial services.
Job Ref: 5791
Job Title: Head, Corporate Communications

Graduate with minimum 5 years in Corporate Communications in any sector.
Job Ref: 5792
Job Title: Head of Treasury

Graduate with at least 5 years as Deputy or Head of Treasury in a medium /large bank.
Job Ref: 5793
Job Title: Manager Treasury Operations
Graduate with at least5years in Treasury/back office operations in a medium/large bank.
 Job Ref: 5794
Job Title: Head of Corporate & Trade Finance
Graduate with at least 5 years as Head or Deputy Head of Corporate and Trade Finance.
Job Ref: 5795
Job Title: Head of SME Banking
Graduate with at least 5 years as Deputy Head or Head of SME Banking.
Job Ref: 5796
Job Title: Head of Microfinance Graduate with at least 3 years as Head of Microfinance in a Microfinance institution.

Very attractive salary & benefits will be offered to the successful candidates.

Send your application with a detailed CV. Please also sumarize yourself as follows:

Job Ref. No.:

Your Name:

Current/Past Salary:
Year 2012 p.m :
Year 2013 p.m :

Year 2013 Benefits:
If house, state market rent:
If car state cc.:

Email your application to so as to reach us by 19th June 2013.Related Posts Widget for Blogger
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