Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Islamic Relief Special Need Education (SNE) Teacher Job in Dadaab Kenya

Islamic Relief is an international NGO, established in 1984 in the UK, seeking to promote sustainable Economic and social development by working with local communities through relief and developmental activities. We aim to help the needy regardless of Race, Religion, Color and Gender. Islamic Relief is currently running Programmes in several sectors that include Education, Health & Nutrition, Water & Sanitation, Livelihoods Support and Child Welfare. IRK also implements seasonal Food Security Programmes including the Ramadan Food Distribution and Qurbani.
 Position: Special Need Education (SNE) Teacher
Overall responsibility to implement and evaluate curriculum in least restrictive environment to children with SNE and impart knowledge, skills, develop personality and character that will provide a lasting and inspiring impact on their lives.
 1. Curriculum implementation and evaluationTo prepare all professional records for curriculum implementationDevelop teaching/learning resources for effective and motivating lessonsKeep all records and use them to improve performanceConduct continuous assessment tests and terminal exams mark and record results.Train children in co-curricular activities so as to compete othersParticipate in curriculum review2. Training teachers on modern trends in special needs educationTrain teachers in new teaching pedagogy that is responsive to SNE childAssist the teachers develop basic theoretical and practical knowledge about the teaching profession.Train teachers on production of low cost teaching materialsFacilitate training of teachers in maintenance of equipmentParticipate in workshops and seminars for teachers particularly Saturday TOT.Develop in the teacher the ability to communicate effectively.3. Management of compensatory equipment for children with SNEAssess children and prescribe the right equipment for use.Train children on the proper use any equipment given to boost residual ability.Sensitize other children and school community on special equipmentTo ensure that given equipment are put to proper useEnsure maintenance and repair of equipment are done regularly4. Facilitate Community participation in promoting special needs educationGuide parents to form parents groups for children with SNETrain parents of children on basic concepts for upbringing of their childrenParticipate in society meetings for children with SNEInvolve the refugee community through the school PTA in special needs issuesAssist the community to give children with SNE equal opportunity in learning through mobilizationEncourage the school committee to make the school compounds environmentally friendly and barrier free.5. Managing Classroom resourcesResponsible for proper management of classroom resources issued for promoting teaching/learning environment i.e. textbooks, teaching aids and desks and others materials.Accountable for keeping proper and accurate lists of books issued to students and ensure school authority kept aware of any discrepancies.Ensure proper utilization compensatory equipment during classroom instructionEnsure proper storage and safety of equipment after use by children6. Promote partnership with local educational InstitutionsConduct community mobilization and sensitization on significance of Special needs education.Regularly monitor the attendance, scholastic performance and learning needs of the children with special needs in the camp in close liaison with other special institutions.Initiate close relationship with teachers of local Kenyan Special Institutions so as to share approaches for effective teaching in refugee-local schoolsDevelop refugee inter-camp competition in co- curricular activities as sports, games, drama and music festivals. Also train children so as to participate in games and sports for students with special needs nationally and beyond.7. Development of Human Potential in StudentsPrepare high achieving pupils’ for post primary educationDevelop the pupils’ potential abilities to their maximum through a variety of experiences.Develop in pupils’ an awareness and appreciation of innovation in the field of education and an ability to utilize them.Develop in the pupils’ an awareness of the principles which underline good human relationship and use of these in their dealings with the community.Prepare the pupils’ to face life with self-confidence and independence.Promote clear logical thought and critical judgment.Offer career guidance to pupils’.Conduct counseling for pupils’ in need of counseling. Liaise with parents of individual learners for effective delivery of counseling services.Work in a team spirit with other teachers to promote understanding of school mission and goals successfully.Establish closer relationship with other Islamic Relief sector colleagues to strengthen the existing positive image of the refugee education sector.Take advantage of the available opportunities in Islamic Relief to foster self-development.Has full authority on matters pertaining to effective curriculum implementation in assigned classroom tasks and is the point person for children with special needs in education.Has the mandate on what action should be taken against deviant learnersAdvisor of the head teachers, inspector of special needs and adult education and education supervisor on all matters related to curriculum, teaching and co-curricula activities.Has to give professional guidance on matters touching on special needs education.Work closely with other sectors and in collaboration with UNHCR, partner agencies on education issues for children with special needs.
 The position is in IFO refugee camp in the North Eastern Province of Kenya.The climate is harsh (semi-arid) and area prone to banditry menace.Teaching will essentially be carried out in refugee schools.Education: Degree or Diploma in Special Needs EducationExperience: Primary and secondary school teacher of children with SNECertificate: Has attended short courses on special needs educationCompetencies: Assessment teacher of children with special needs and teacher trainerTeaching License : Must have registration certificate from TSCSend in your updated CV with cover letter and 3 professional references to or to reach us not later than Friday 14th June, 2013 clearly mentioning the position you are applying for. CVs will be screened on an ongoing basis and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.Related Posts Widget for Blogger
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