Friday, June 4, 2010

International Doctoral Program In Agrobiodiversity

Start Date: 
  1. The Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (hereafter called “School”), announces a public competition for 6 positions supported by scholarships for the Academic Year 2010-2011 to participate in the three-year International Doctoral Programme in Agrobiodiversity (hereafter called "Programme").
  2. The selection is opened to University graduates from any country, but, according to art. 17 of the Ministerial Decree of August 5, 2004 number 262, the selection will take place paying special attention to candidates from Developing Countries.
  3. The positions are assigned as per art. 6 par. 5 and 6 below.
  4. The amount of the scholarship and contributions is defined in article 9. No tuition fee is charged.
  5. The School may also admit additional eligible candidates up to a maximum of 6 positions. The admission of these
  6. candidates is decided by the Examination Committee appointed by the Director of the School.
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