Friday, June 7, 2013

TechnoServe Consultancy Services to Develop a Subscription Based Herd Management Plan (HMP) for Small Holder Farmers


Provision of Consultancy Services to Develop a Subscription Based Herd Management Plan (HMP) for Small Holder Farmers

Terms of Reference

Request for Applications

Applications are invited from Technical Consultants to develop a subscription based Herd Management Plan (HMP) for smallholder farmers. 

Background Information
Available literature on the Kenyan dairy sector mentions that 30% of milk produced is attributed to breed potential while the balance of 70% is attributed to animal husbandry which includes feeding, animal health and calf rearing among others. 

The current production status of the Kenyan dairy herd is low with an average of 4-5 liters a day or a lactation of 1,200 - 1,400 liters per year compared to over 5,000 liters per year in South Africa and 8,000L per year in Denmark.

The low figures in Kenya are attributed to poor animal health, breeds and feeding regimens, resulting from a myriad of constraints including poor access to information, low and inconsistent quality of feeds and extension services due to lack of adherence of standards and high cost of inputs. 

The high cost of inputs often limits the use of quality inputs which then have a negative impact on productivity.

Therefore, there is an opportunity to significantly improve productivity and profitability of dairy herds among smallholder farmers by developing and promoting a plan for organized routine and management practices, accomplished through disease and parasite control, reproduction and nutrition management. 

TechnoServe, a non-profit organization that develops business solutions to poverty by linking people to information, capital and markets, is one of the implementing partners of the Kenya Market Assistance Program (MAP). 

This initiative is being implemented by a consortium of five organizations that include Kenya Market Trust (KMT) as the lead.   The Program aims to improve the performance of key market systems important to poor people in Kenya by addressing systemic constraints found in those market systems.  MAP is using the making markets work for the poor approach, which DFID has used to produce results in most of its private sector development work.  Overall, the objective of MAP will be measured against three key outcomes:Major systemic change achieved in 3 to 5 market systems, resulting in aggregate average growth of 10% per annum above overall growth of the economy, with the position of poor people (both men and women) improving at a rate significantly greater than this.At least 400,000 poor people (as producers, employees, etc) positively affected at the end of MAP in terms of new jobs created, and incomes for 100,000 people increase by 10%.A 30% increase in peer perceptions of partners’ effectiveness and in stakeholders’ awareness and understanding of the approach.TechnoServe is facilitating MAP Dairy Sector Strategy, to address systemic constraints related to service markets feeding into dairy and the processes of formalizing supply chains.  We are supporting interventions to address market failures towards increased adoption of breeding services (focus artificial insemination (AI)) and penetration of quality assured breed and animal health care services in the rural areas; stimulating a commercial fodder and concentrate feeds market to help farmers optimize the returns from their herds’ genetic potential; and supporting growth of cold supply chain through alternative investment models and strategies.
To achieve this Dairy Sector Strategy goal of increasing small holder productivity, MAP is facilitating a management program related to breeding, fodder and veterinary care for small holder farmers.
MAP is interested in piloting a comprehensive herd management program, integrating preventative medicine, quality assured breeding services (focus on AI), nutrition and scheduled herd visits to review and advice on herd performance. 

Statement of Purpose

MAP proposes to develop an integrative program of health, reproduction and nutrition management to address inputs and service delivery constraints in dairy farming.  

This will entail research into:Common diseases and health concerns in dairy, Minimum nutritional requirements,Standard breeding (AI) and veterinary services, and Identification of reputable input suppliers of breeding, vet-care and feeds.This information will guide the development of a subscription based Herd Management Plan for roll out by dairy hubs, agro-vets and other dairy service providers (including Breeding and Veterinary Service Providers and industry level organizations). The plan should ensure that farmers have access to vital inputs and services, to influence productivity and running of progressive and profitable farms.
The Herd Management Plan will include:  Individual farmers registering their animals into the program.Cost effective subscription based services for three levels of subscribers (Gold, Silver and Bronze).Total service delivery fees including treatment, supplies and transport costs factored in the subscription fees.The overall goal of the HMP is to: Improve sales and effectiveness of service delivery to small holder dairy farmers through an integrative program of health, reproduction and quality management.Improve sales of supplies and services to small holder farmers through a cost effective subscription plan.Improve operational efficiency among service providers including dairy hubs, AI and vet service providers. Click here to read a detailed terms of reference

Tentative budget

We invite the prospective Consultant to provide a quotation for this piece of work together with an estimate of expenses.

Submission and receipt of proposals

The completed technical and budget proposals must be delivered via email address below:

So as to be received on or before 4.00 pm, 20th June, 2013

Any proposal received after the time for submission will not be evaluated.

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