Friday, June 7, 2013

KEBS Scientific, Engineering, Agricultural and Technical Jobs in Kenya

The Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) is a statutory organization of the Government of Kenya established by the Standards Act, Cap 496 of the laws of Kenya in July 1974. The mandate of KEBS is to provide Standardization, Metrology and Conformity Assessment services through promotion of standardization in commerce and industry, provision of testing and calibration facilities, control of the use of standardization marks, undertaking educational work in standardization, facilitation of the implementation and practical application of standards, maintenance and dissemination of the International System of Units (SI) of measurements.
KEBS wishes to recruit innovative and result oriented individuals for the following positions:
Degree holders’ positions: Officer KS 6Public Health or Environment Science - 1 positionMedical Physicist - 1 positionDegree holders’ positions: Assistant Officer KS 7Chemistry - 3 positionsCivil Engineering - 2 positionsMechanical Engineering - 1 positionElectrical Engineering - 3 positionsPhysicist - 1 positionFood Science/ Technology - 9 positionsBiotechnology - 1 positionAgriculture - 1 positionDiploma Holders’ Positions: Assistant Technicians KS 8Analytical Chemistry - 3 positionMechanical Engineering - 3 positionElectrical/Electronic Engineering - 1 positionCivil Engineering - 2 positionFood Technology - 4 position
Application letters, Curriculum Vitae and copies of relevant certificates must be attached to the application form which available online via KEBS Website on or before 22nd June, 2013. Only short listed candidates shall be contacted and canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.
All degree applicants for engineering related positions must be registered as Graduate Engineers.Related Posts Widget for Blogger
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