About JAF
The Jahwar Amber Fund is part of the Unitarian movement that has developed worldwide as a response to the traditional politics of socialism, liberalism, and conservatism. Our main tenets are ecology and sustainability, democracy and human rights, self-determination and justice. We place particular emphasis on gender democracy, meaning social emancipation and equal rights for women and men. We are also committed to equal rights for cultural and ethnic minorities and to the societal and political participation of immigrants. Finally, we promote non-violence and proactive peace policies.
We are a green think tank, a local policy network, and are active in ecology, spiritual democracy and human rights in East Africa with 3 offices across Kenya.
Our Regional Office for Rift Valley and Western Kenya is based in Isinya, District of Kajiado County since 2012.
Jahwar Amber Fund Inc. has 501(c) 3 tax-exempt status in Canada and is registered as a community based organization (CBO) in Kenya. The Canada office helps with fundraising.
Patron Needed
The role of the patron, better known as patronage, is the provision of encouragement, support, privileged access and at times financial assistance to an organization.
However, the particular roles vary depending on the type of patronage in question; the arts patronage usually infers to the kind of support that royalty given to sculptors, painters and musicians. Political patronage on the other hand would infer to the allocation of state resources to the foundation for its support to implement the county processes.The Patrons Program at Jahwar Amber Foundation in raised $2 million and directly impacted more than 600 villages and community groups across Africa.
The Patrons Program recruits individuals who make significant contributions and donate their time to needy communities.
Patrons are paired with a community and are encouraged to become active members of its Village Advisory Board (Baraza). Together the Patrons Program staff, Patrons, Advisory Boards and the community administrators work to improve any or all aspects of the community– from finances to development to social facilities. Efficient cultural management, human rights advocacy programs and architecturally designed social-halls are just some of the results. The Patrons Program is also able to leverage the Patrons’ involvement to attract further community support from foundations and private sources.The Patrons Program is currently accepting resumes/cover letters for the Fellow position. Interviews will be scheduled beginning in September 2013. The position will begin in January 2014.
Patrons Program Fellow – Role Description
The Patrons Program’s six person staff works directly with the four JAF villages. This team of professionals focuses on:
FundraisingIdentifying, launching and managing program and human rights curriculum enhancements, including art, music, drama and computer education programsBuilding JAF Village Advisory BoardsIdentifying and securing PatronsMarketing the Patrons ProgramA Fellow would serve as an integral member of the team, supporting all of the above initiatives. Specific responsibilities would include: Writing the JAF Patronage bi-monthly newsletter for donors, foundations, all JAF Community Advisory Board members and friends of the program Supporting the specific needs of various communities, their village heads, and their Community Advisory Boards including attending Community Advisory Board meetings, planning and executing fundraising events, assisting with community art marketing campaigns and financial analysis.Drafting grants and program annual reportsCompiling information for prospective and current donors and foundationsWorking as the liaison between outside programs and the JAF VilagaesThis position offers a wide range of experiences. In a typical week, a Patrons Program Fellow may visit villages in an economically depressed neighborhood like Kajiado, meet with the Executive Director of a Maasai Handicraft program, prepare a summary of the village’s finances, and manage a fundraiser. A patron is like an investor to the Jahwar Amber Foundation and it allows the concerned to give back to the society in a worthwhile fashion.Contact:
Director of Programs,
Jahwar Amber Foundation
P.O. Box 75986 – 00200,
Citysquare, Nairobi
Voice: +254733867644
Fax: +254 0207253589
Email: wnyokabi@yahoo.com