ECLOF Kenya, a Christian Microfinance Institution with an increasing presence in the Country is seeking the services of a market research firm and additional talent in the following roles;
Church Loan Officer
The position will serve ECLOF’s Church market profile and ensure efficient delivery of both financial and non financial services and manage a healthy portfolio that meets organization’s standard for healthy portfolio management.
Individual Lending Officer
The position will grow ECLOF’s Individual Lending portfolio in the selected markets.
The successful candidate shall be in possession of a business related first degree with prior experience in Individual Lending in a financial Institution.
Mode of Application
Qualified candidates should submit their applications quoting the job applied for to the
Human Resource & Administration Manager,
P.O Box 34889-00100,
or email to
by 20th September 2011.
Please include detailed CV, copies of the relevant certificates, testimonials, current pay and daytime telephone contact and email address.
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