Monday, July 11, 2011

Consultancy Services for the Preparation of Voluntary Agreement for Energy Efficient Display Refrigerators and Air Conditioners

Government of Kenya

Consultancy Announcement

For Individual Consultants / Contractors (IC) (Not Firms)

Consultancy Services for the Preparation of Voluntary Agreement for Energy Efficient Display Refrigerators and Air Conditioners

Duty Station: Project Management Unit, Teleposta Towers, Nairobi

Duration: 15 working days over 3 months


The Standards and Labeling Programme is a 5 year initiative designed to remove barriers to market transformation of energy efficient products and services in Kenya with replication effect to 4 other East African Community (EAC) countries of Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda.

The goal of the Programme is to reduce energy (electricity) related CO2 emissions in Kenya and the EAC Countries by improving the energy efficiency of selected appliances and equipment in Residential, Commercial and Industrial Sectors.

This will be achieved by market transformation towards high-energy efficient appliances through the introduction of Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) and Energy Efficiency Labels

The main objective of the project is to remove the barriers to rapid and widespread uptake of energy efficient motors in the industrial sector; refrigerators in the residential; display refrigerators in the commercial sector; air-conditioners in the commercial and residential sectors; and lighting in the three sectors.

Objective of the Assignment

The objective of this assignment is to develop Voluntary Agreements between user and Government Agency for efficient commercial display refrigerators and hotel air conditioners.


The main output of this consultancy assignment will be a detailed scheme document for consultation.

The draft report will be reviewed by the PMU who will provide comments and recommendations to the consultant. Thereafter, the consultant will submit the final report taking into consideration the recommendations from the PMU and Project Technical Teams.

Degree of Expertise and Qualifications

The selected Consultant for this assignment shall be required to possess the following expertise:
  • Expertise and /or professional experience in Commercial Law and or Engineering.
  • Good knowledge and Professional experience in the Commercial Sector
  • Knowledge of the local energy sector
  • Fluency in spoken and written English
  • Excellent facilitation and good interpersonal skills;
  • Advanced computer literacy to include professional/technical presentations;
  • Proven experience working with the related stakeholders;
  • Demonstrable excellent knowledge and expertise and experience in institutional assessments,
All applications should be submitted to on or before close of business 18 July 2011

The full Terms of Reference (TOR) and application requirements can be accessed by visiting the UNDP website:
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