Wednesday, December 1, 2010

HelpAge Project Manager Job in Kenya

Job Title: Project Manager - HSNP Social Protection Rights Component

Department: Africa Regional Development Centre (ARDC) – Social Protection Team

Location: Nairobi, Kenya with regular travel to northern Kenya

Responsible To: Social Protection Team Leader, ARDC.

Contract Duration: One Year Renewable

Relations with Others: HelpAge ARDC‟s Social Protection team, ARDC staff, Social Protection Rights Coordinator, Assistant Social Protection Rights Coordinator in Lodwar, Administrative team in Lodwar HSNP Secretariat (Located at the Ministry of the Development of Northern Kenya and other Arid Lands) CSO in areas of operation

Background to the HSNP

The Hunger Safety Net Programme (HSNP) is a major joint GoK/DFID initiative that seeks to reduce extreme poverty in Kenya and support the establishment of a government-led national social protection system delivering long-term, guaranteed cash transfers to extremely poor and vulnerable people to improve access to food, protect assets and reduce the impact of shocks.

The HSNP will be implemented in two phases.

The objective of Phase I (April 2007 - March 2011) is to design and pilot cost-effective mechanisms for beneficiary targeting, payment delivery and grievance management in four districts (Turkana, Marsabit, Mandera and Wajir) targeting 60,000 households (300,000 individuals).

The second phase will be scaled-up to target approximately 300,000 households (1.5 million individuals) across the ASALs with GoK and Development Partners‟ support.

The Social Protection Rights component

The HSNP has been divided into 5 components: Administration, Payments, MIS, M&E and Social Protection Rights (SPR).

The objective of the SPR component is to support programme effectiveness through implementing mechanisms of beneficiary accountability within the programme and through empowerment of communities vis-à-vis the other programme components as well as the empowerment of vulnerable groups within communities who might otherwise be excluded from the programme.

As such the SPR component is charged with acting as an independent beneficiary advocate and guardian of the Programme Charter of Rights and Responsibilities.

More broadly, it seeks to set a rights-based and replicable precedent to social protection policy and programme development in Kenya. In its relationship with other components, the SPR component will have to tread a fine line between exercising independent and proactive promotion and protection of people‟s rights, and collaborative engagement in a challenging and unique programme.

The SPR Component: Scope of Work

The SPR component is responsible for: defining a HSNP Charter of Programme Rights, designing a system for managing and following up on grievances (including general complaints and targeting appeals) and implementing a rights education and outreach programme.

In addition, the grievance system should serve the approximately 8000 “control” households included in the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) component.

The grievance mechanism is intended to provide a vehicle for community participation and feedback that may inform adjustments to programme design and operations and will essentially have to deal with three forms of grievance: programme performance issues (failures in service delivery- including targeting appeals), programme legitimacy issues (complaints about programme approach), and disputes that occur within and between communities and are associated with the programme.

The grievance mechanism will also need to handle complaints from non-beneficiaries, though this will need to be proportionate and feasible to the overall scale of the project.

  • Project management of the HSNP SPR component including Contract Management, coordination of field teams, financial management and representation of HelpAge on the HSNP‟s multi-agency national programme management team.
  • On-going review, design and documentation of the HSNP‟s complaints, appeals, referrals and dispute resolution mechanisms.
  • Production of high quality and timely quarterly narrative and financial reports for the HSNP Secretariat.
  • Participation in regular meetings of the HSNP secretariat and other Social Protection fora
  • Management of a risk-based grievance mechanism and leadership of evidence-based beneficiary advocacy within the HSNP.
  • Responsibility for the operations and security of HAI‟s programme office in Lodwar and line management of programme staff.
  • Coordination of the SPR component‟s M&E exercise and contribution to the HSNP‟s and HAI‟s learning objectives.
  • Maintenance of the HSNP SPR component‟s Management Information System (MIS).
  • Coordination and capacity building of HAI‟s implementing partners in northern Kenya.
  • Development of high quality communications materials to support programme implementation. This to include piloting innovative methodologies in partnership with HAI‟s implementing partners.
  • Undertake any other duties as and when necessary to fulfil the objectives of the HSNP SPR component.
Other Features of the Job (Working Conditions)

The HSNP SPR PM will be based in HelpAge International Africa Regional Development Centre in Nairobi and will work closely with other members of the Social Protection team at ARDC and within the Africa region to help draw lessons from activities undertaken at field level, build capacity, and contribute to national and regional SP policy objectives.

In order for him/her to achieve this, s/he will participate in selected country and regional processes but will be expected to travel regularly throughout northern Kenya.

Person Specification: The following competences are considered as essential:
  • Relevant degree from a recognised university.
  • At least 3 years experience in management of complex programmes – including financial and people management and at least 5 years working in an NGO environment.
  • A good understanding of the political economy of anti-poverty programming in Kenya
  • Understanding of the social protection policy landscape in Kenya.
  • Experience in operational management, including management of field staff.
  • Experience in capacity building of civil society-based organisations.
  • Strong team working and negotiation skills.
  • Ability to show initiative and to work under pressure.
In addition, the following will are considered desirable:
  • Experience in cash-based interventions;
  • Some experience in the design or management of complaints mechanisms and/or dispute resolution.
To apply for this position, please send an updated CV and covering letter by 8th December, 2010, explaining how you meet the criteria for the role to:

Human Resource Officer
HelpAge International
Africa Regional Development Centre,
P.O. Box 14888 - 00800
Westlands, Nairobi


Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

HelpAge International is an Equal Opportunities Employer
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