Thursday, May 27, 2010


Date Placed 2010-05-11 11:05:26
Profession Researcher
Level of Employment Senior Management
CategoryAgriculture, Forestry and Fishing
SectorPrivate Sector
Country of placementKenyaTown/CityNairobi Province

The Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) is a Parastatal established by the Government of Kenya under the Science and Technology Act Cap 250 to carry out Agricultural Research to support the Crop and Livestock Production sectors of the country. Beside this core function, the Institute collaborates closely with the farmers, pastoralists, extension staff and other National and International Development Partners. KARI manages thirty-three (33) Centers inclusive of the sub-centers located all over the country with a view of developing and disseminating technology, tailored to meet the needs of different categories of farmers in various Agro-ecological zones and Socio-economic Circumstances. In order to enhance the provision of services, the Institute would like to fill in the following positions, which are vacant.
The Institute’s policy is to provide equal employment opportunity to eligible candidates.
JOB GRADE R.I.13– REF: KARI/2/027/05 (1 Post)
The Assistant Director, Biotechnology and Biodiversity Conservation (BBC) will be reporting to the Director through the Deputy Director, Research and Technology and shall be in charge of genetic resources management and will ensure sustainable use and conservation of agricultural genetic resources.
Duties and Responsibilities
• Plan, manage and co-ordinate the BBC Research Programme.
• Review and develop policies and procedures to govern the BBC research programme.
• Ensure compliance with biosafety and stewardship regulatory requirements in development of biotechnology products/technologies within the institute.
• Compile information for official release of new biotechnology products/technologies (Protocols, Diagnostic kits, vaccines, crop varieties, bio-fertilizers, etc).
• Liaise with the outreach division and other biotechnology and biodiversity stakeholders in creation of awareness of the programmes products/technologies.
• Work in liaison with other KARI research and non-research programmes, and National and International Institutions on matters that are relevant to the BBC programme.
• Establish and maintain linkages with beneficiaries and stakeholders of research/services, including farmers and extension personnel, in development of appropriate biotechnology and biodiversity technologies.
• In liaison with the AD, PM&E, monitor and evaluate research undertaken at research centers and provide advice on technical evaluations to the Institute’s Management which would enable the Management to make appropriate decisions on the Institute’s priorities.
• Ensure proper management of the BBC programme’s expenditures and the proper handling of all its personnel matters in accordance with KARI’s existing regulations.
• Ensure prompt data processing, documentation and preparation of progress reports and annual scientific reports of the programme.
• Identify potential sources of funding for research and submitting proposals for funding.
• Ensure that research priority setting forums with stakeholders are held regularly and that they conform to the needs of BBC programme and contribute towards achievement of KARI’s objectives.
• Plan for human, physical and financial requirements of the respective programmes.
• Ensure Biodiversity conservation issues are well articulated in the Institute.
• Promote linkages with relevant national, regional and International Biodiversity Institutions and stakeholders.
• Ensure articulation of Institutional Biodiverstiy elements with national policy on Biodiversity conservation.
• Ensure that the national genebank is fully supported in both human and financial resource.
• Review periodically the resource needs of the BBC programme.
• Ensure optimal management and conservation of Biodiversity within the Institute including abiding by International.
Requirements for Appointment
• A Doctorate degree in a relevant field from a recognized Institution.
• Proven experience of at least 12 years of uninterrupted research, which must include being an author of at least six (6) scientific publications in refereed journals or relevant books (chapters) AND one (1) verifiable technology/innovation which must have been packaged and disseminated AND the first (principal) author of one (1) grant-winning proposal in addition to at least one of the following achievements:-
a) Served in the position of Senior Principal Research Officer or its equivalent for a minimum period of 3 years.
b) Proven management and leadership skills.
Salary Scales J.G.
R.I.13: Ksh. 94,235x4,712 –8,947x1,673– 44x5,013 - 120,270 p.m.
Applicants should send a cover letter, copies of certificates, curriculum vitae and the names and addresses (including telephone, fax and email) of three referees who are knowledgeable about the candidates’professional qualifications and work experience, photocopies of their academic and professional qualifications to:
The Director, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Kaptagat Road,
The name and reference number of the position for which the application is made should be clearly marked on the envelope.

Application and employer's details
Address P.O BOX 57811-00200 NAIROBI
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