Consultancy to Develop a Strategic Plan for the Transition Authority
1. Background
The Transition Authority (TA) is a statutory body with a constitutional mandate of facilitating and coordinating the transition to the devolved system of government in Kenya pursuant to the provisions of the Transition to Devolved Government Act 2012, and section 15 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of Kenya, 2012. Its mandate is to “facilitate the realization of a devolved system of government through effective and efficient coordination of the transition process.”
The Authority’s mandate will be implemented in two phases: phase one -July 2012 – 4th of March 2013 and phase two 5th March 2013 -2016. The phase one of the Authority has been guided by a TA roadmap for the period July 2012 to June 2013. The TA is expected to prepare a three year strategic plan 2013-2016 which sets the long term direction for the implementation of its mandate in phase 2.
The overall objective of this consultancy is to develop a three year Strategic Plan to ensure that The Transition Authority fulfills its mandate.
Interested and qualified candidates should submit their applications which should include the following:UNDP Personal History Form (P11)Detailed Curriculum VitaeProposal for implementing the assignmentPlease quote “Strategic Plan – Transition Authority” on the subject line.
Applications should be emailed to to reach us not later than Thursday, 27 June 2013 at 4.00 P.M Kenya Time.