Tuesday, June 18, 2013

TechnoServe Food Fortification Workshop at KARI Kabete - Invitation to Kenyan Maize Millers, Wheat Millers and Edible Oil Processors (July 4th - 5th)

Invitation to Kenyan Maize Millers, Wheat Millers and Edible Oil Processors
Thursday July 4th - Friday July 5th 2013TechnoServe in collaboration with U.S. based Partners in Food Solutions (PFS) is implementing a project named Solutions for African Food Enterprises (SAFE) with funding from USAID. The objective of SAFE is to increase competitiveness of the African food processing sector to expand availability of affordable and nutritious foods.This will be done through knowledge and technology transfer from volunteer experts from some of the world leading food and equipment manufacturers such as General Mills, Cargill, Royal DSM and Buhler.
In support of the mandatory fortification requirements of the above groups of foods by the Ministry of Health, SAFE is working with relevant authorities and stakeholders (such as Ministry of Health, Kenya Bureau of Standards, public universities and nutrition experts) to carry out a two day training workshop for small and medium processors of the above foods in order to equip them with the theoretical and practical knowhow that will enable them comply with the fortification regulations as required.
We are thus calling for food processors who would like to benefit from this training to send an application nominating one delegate from their company who they propose for the workshop. Training expenses will be covered under SAFE and reservations for the limited slots will be on a first-come-first-served basis.
TechnoServe, Inc. (http://www.technoserve.org/) is an international nonprofit development organization founded in 1968. Its mission is to work with enterprising people in the developing world to build competitive farms, businesses and industries.
Partners in Food Solutions (PFS) is a nonprofit organization that links the technical and business expertise of volunteer employees from General Mills, Cargill, Royal DSM and Buhler to small and growing food processors and millers in the developing world.
Interested food processors should send applications to: safekenya@tns.org, cc: jkiragu@tns.org so as to reach not later than 21st June 2013.Related Posts Widget for Blogger
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