Friday, April 22, 2011

UNFPA National Project Professional Personnel (NPPP) Job Vacancy in Nairobi Kenya

Vacancy No.: VA/FPA/KEN/01/2011

Post Title: National Project Professional Personnel (NPPP), Population and Development for the National Coordinating Agency for Population and Development (NCAPD), Ministry of Planning, National Development and Vision 2030.

Duty Station: Nairobi, Kenya

Category: SB-4

Duration of Appointment: One year, renewable subject to need, availability of funds and satisfactory performance Reporting to Programme Manager, NCAPD


The Ministry of Planning, National Development and Vision 2030 through the National Coordinating Agency for Population and Development( NCAPD) is coordinating implementation of UNFPA/GOK cooperation framework (Country Programme Action Plan- 7th CPAP, 2008-2013) which underpins the mutual agreement for the fulfillment of the Programme of Action on the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), other related conferences and declarations including the Millennium Development Goals for Kenya.

The 7th CPAP, is based on selected priorities in the Social and the Political Pillars of the Vision 2030 and the first Medium Term Plan ( MTP) 2008-2013 has three components dealing with specific issues of Reproductive Health, Population and Development and Gender Equality. The goal of the 7th Country Programme is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of people in Kenya.

The programme is implemented selected Government and nongovernmental organizations both at the national and regional level with particular focus on four Districts of Naivasha, Migori, Kilifi and Nairobi West.

The Ministry of Planning, National Development and Vision 2030, is key to the strengthening of partnerships and linkages to district level decentralized government structures among them the district development offices, district planning and statistical units, stakeholder forums and regional population offices.

In order to fast track achievement of the programme results, it is proposed to enhance the capacity of Ministry of Planning, National Development and Vision 2030 through NCAPD, by engaging the services of a suitable National Professional Project Personnel who will be stationed at NCAPD to perform the roles described here under:

Role Description for National Professional Project Personnel - (NPPP) Population and Development (P&D)

Under the auspices of the National Coordinating Agency for Population and Development, the NPPP - (P&D) will carry out the following roles:

(i) Liaise with NCAPD , KNBS, The Ministry of Planning ,National Development and Vision 2030 Directorates ( Rural Planning, Sectoral Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation ) , Kenya Media Network on Population and Development (KEMEP) and UNFPA on the implementation of the programme in order to provide linkages at institutional, departmental, national and district/ regional levels for the achievement of programme objectives.

(ii) Liaise with the External Resources Department (ERD) at the Ministry of Finance in the coordination of financial aspects of the Country Programme

(iii) Identify and support capacity building needs for the implementation of the population programme including in statistical services at the different levels

(iv) Advise on the integration of population issues in development planning, implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation stages of national and district/county/regional development processes

(v) Compile and generate reports on the programme under implementation, as required by UNFPA and NCAPD on behalf of the Ministry of Planning, National Development and Vision 2030

(vi) Facilitate preparation of quarterly, Annual bi-annual, Progress and other Reports for the Population and Development Component of Country Programme as may be required

(vii) Perform other duties supportive of programme delivery

Expected Deliverables
  1. An annual work plan within deadlines of assignment presented to UNFPA and the MOPND and Vision 2030
  2. Monthly Programme reports on programme implementation highlighting progress, challenges, recommendations
  3. Technical analysis of key national issues/documents in regard to; and on integration of Population and development issues including environment and climate change
  4. Representation/participation at relevant forums and activities of programme implementing partners
  5. Participation at Programme Review Meetings and Joint GOK /UNFPA Field Monitoring and Evaluation visits
  6. Quarterly, Annual and Bi-annual Progress Reports for the Population and Development Component of the GOK/UNFPA Country Programme.

The candidate should possess the following minimum qualifications:
  • A Postgraduate degree in Population Studies, Economics , or a related relevant field
  • Qualifications in programme development and management including Monitoring and evaluation, strategic planning , policy analysis
  • At least 8 years experience in population programme development and management at various levels.
  • Extensive experience in programme coordination
  • Excellent analytical, writing and communication skills
  • Computer literacy
  • Self motivated, results oriented, high integrity and professional competence
Applications with a current CV to be received not later than 6th May 2011 should be addressed to:

The UNFPA Representative
UN Complex Gigiri, Block Q, Room 205
P.O. Box 30218, 00100 Nairobi,

OR Email address:
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