The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa is an International Baccalaureate World School located on the East coast of Kenya which seeks to provide students of all backgrounds from primary to higher secondary with an education of the highest standard in order to prepare them for lives characterised by leadership and service.
The campus is located on a beautiful 7.4 ha site overlooking the Indian Ocean. The campus consists of high quality academic, athletic, dining, residential, and administrative and services buildings in addition to extensive sports fields and hard and soft landscaped areas.
Teaching Vacancies
We invite applications for the following positions:
1. Dual Language Coordinator. Middle management experience teaching Kiswahili plus ability to lead the teaching of the curriculum in a second language is required for this new Junior School position.
2. English / History Teacher. Candidates should have experience teaching the IB curriculum or an inquiry-based, student centered curriculum.
For each vacancy applicants should possess a degree, a teaching qualification and be prepared to participate in our extensive co-curricular programme.
Interested candidates to forward a letter of application, detailed curriculum vitae, and photograph with at least 3 contactable referees, plus copies of all relevant qualifications and testimonials, and daytime telephone contact to:
The Human Resources Department,
The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa,
Mbuyuni Road, Kizingo, Mombasa
P.O Box 90066 80100
(clearly specifying the position being applied for in the subject line).