Terms of Reference for the Final Evaluation of the Emergency Veterinary Support
Programme (EVSP) II in Southern Sudan
Background information and project summary
Veterinaires Sans Frontieres – Belgium (VSF B) is a recognized developmental NGO founded in 1995 working with disadvantaged communities to increase their standard of living, improve food security and livelihood sustainability through improved animal health and production.
In East Africa, our programmes focus on community-based animal health services, capacity building of local institutions and governments, conflict mitigation and sustainable natural resource management.
The EVSP II is implemented in both rural and urban centers in South Sudan. It is 1 year emergency project funded by USAID under the Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA).
The project is implemented by VSF Belgium (lead), VSF Suisse and VSF Germany.
It covers in Central Equatoria (Juba, Kajokeji, Lainya, Morobo, Terekeka and Yei counties), Eastern Equatoria (Budi, Kapoeta, Magwi and Torit counties), Jonglei state (Akobo, Ayod, Fanga, Bor, Duk, Nyirol, Pibor, Piggi, Twic East and Wurror counties), Lakes (Awerial, Yirol East and Yirol West counties), Upper Nile (Nassir and Ulang counties), Unity (Panyijar, Guit, Koch, Leer, Rubkona, Ruweng, Abienhom, Mayiendit and Mayom counties) and Warrap (Twic, Tonj East and Tonj North counties) states in Southern Sudan.
The specific objective of the project is to improve the health and nutrition status of vulnerable communities in Southern Sudan by increasing their capacity to proactively address their own needs in relation to livestock, food production and accessibility.
This is be done by increasing their capacity and resilience in local livestock food production and improve access to safe food of animal origin and also by supporting the vulnerable community and government of South Sudan to develop and apply an appropriate East Coast Fever control strategy.
VSF Belgium is seeking to engage a reputable organization or individual expert (s) to carry out an evaluation of the project. The evaluation will assess in a participatory manner the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, sustainability and reliability of the emergency action and in close collaboration with the state /county veterinary departments, livestock owners and Community Animal Health Workers.
Objectives of the final evaluation
The evaluation needs to clearly address if goals and results were achieved and who benefited and to which extent. Specifically the evaluation will establish the impact of the Program in reference to the following:
- The Strategy and the Methodology used.
- The relevance of the intervention in terms of timing, targeting and design.
- Perception of the communities, regarding the Products and Services offered through the Program.
- Determine cost benefit analysis of the emergency interventions.
- Document the efficiency of the intervention based on the results achieved with available resources.
- Identification of indicators of success and identify the impacts from the communities’ view and comments and the benefits from the interventions.
- Describe the effectiveness of the emergency interventions.
- A comparison between achieved outputs/results and project outputs outlined in the project document.
- Extensive discussion on success and lessons learnt and shortcomings and give recommendation for future interventions
Results of evaluation
A detailed report clearly indicating the main impacts, lessons learnt and key recommendations
Methodology of data Collection
The following methods of data collection may be used in combination to collect all the required information.
- Desk review of project reports and other relevant reports on EVSP II project activities
- Focus group discussions with stakeholders, pastoralists and key actors in states/counties.
- Key informant interviews with relevant experts in emergency interventions and heads of departments from the collaborating sectors listed above.
- Use of participatory skills and approaches and field data collection with pastoralists in target areas.
Proposed duration of the Evaluation
Proposed activity
Result: 1.1 - Literature review in Juba
Days: 2
Result: 1.2 - Focus Group discussions and key informant interviews
Days: 11
Result: 1.3 - Compiling Evaluation report
Days: 3
The consultancy will take place in South Sudan with travel to select field locations.
- The consultant (s) should provide a detailed work plan and budget of the consultancy.
- The evaluation is expected to be completed in May 2011 over a period of 16 working days.
The consultant (s) will be expected to submit a hard copy and soft copy of a detailed plan within two (2) days of signing the consultancy contract.
A detailed final report will be presented to the VSF-Belgium Country Programme Manager and the Regional Procurement Manager detailing the findings of the consultancy and recommendations for future similar interventions in South Sudan.
The entire report will be presented in English and will remain the property of VSF-B. A hard copy and a soft copy must be submitted.
A draft report will be expected seven (7) days after the end of the mission and the final report is expected 5 days after VSF-B’s comments.
The contents of the report shall be as follows:
- Executive summary
- Background.
- Description of the objectives of the mission and execution methodology.
- Findings
- Problems encountered
- Recommendations
- Annexes covering Terms of Reference, abbreviations, field locations visited references, graphs, tables, etc.
The VSF Belgium Southern Sudan Country Programme Manager and The EVSP II to livestock dependent Communities in South Sudan project manager who are based in Juba will ensure overall coordination of the consultancy.
The consultant(s) are expected to have the following qualifications:
- Livestock expert with at least seven years experience in livestock development.
- Experience in carrying out similar consultancies and a proven track record of excellent results delivery.
- Excellent report writing skills.
- Working experience in Southern Sudan is desirable.
Contact information
Interested expert(s) and organizations (s) should prepare and submit to VSF Belgium a technical and financial proposal for the assignment by 1st May 2011.
The proposal should indicate qualifications and experience with a detailed execution plan and budget.
The proposals, CV and letter of motivation as well as three (3) referees should be send electronically to recruitment@vsfb.or.ke.
Please take note of the following:
- That the response MUST only be forwarded to recruitment@vsfb.or.ke
- That the closing date is on 1st May 2011
Any response to any other email address shall NOT be considered.