Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ushahidi 101: Calling All Developers

Following the recent Swift River ‘crash course’ at the iHub, we are planning a similar event for developers interested in getting involved in contributing to Ushahidi. This is the second Ushahidi 101 session the first having primarily focused on Ushahidi from a deployment point of view, this one will focus more on developing the application and contributing to the code base.
To date Ushahidi prides itself in it’s origin as an African innovation (though now applied to varied situations across the globe and developed by programmers from different continents) and we place great value on local developers and their contribution to the project. We would love to see even more developers involved as we seek not only to grow the project but also pull up the cadre of local developers through involvement in such Open Source projects as Ushahidi and SwiftRiver.

If you will be in Nairobi on the 23rd of June (Wednesday) feel free to pass by iHub between 5.30 and 7.30 PM. To help us figure out how many pizzas to order, please register on this link.
The brief overview will cover:
  • Setting up a development environment
  • Introduction to MVC and the Kohana (PHP) framework
  • Working with GIT
  • Overview of the Ushahidi database schema
  • Editing the code
  • Working the Bug/Issue list
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