Monday, June 7, 2010

The Anti-counterfeit Agency (A.C.A.) is a state corporation established under the Anti-counterfeit Act of 2008 with a mandate to spearhead efforts of educating and prohibiting the making, trading and dealings on all kinds in counterfeit products. The A.C.A. requires a LOGO and a TAGLINE that will correctly and distinctly reflect its mandate and corporate focus. The Agency therefore invites interested individuals and/or firms designers into a competition to design the logo and the tagline. The winning entries will be awarded the following prices: Best entry – Kshs.100,000/= 1st runner-up – Kshs.70,000/= 2nd runner-up – Kshs.50,000/= The following conditions will be observed; The winner’s entry or any other entry that participate in the competition may be subject to modifications and the Agency will adopt the wining logo/tagline and have it registered as its copyright. The logo/tagline must be clearly and distinctly identifiable for application on all corporate platforms. The design shall be accompanied by a written description of its features and meaning. The design should be in black & white and in high resolution colour, put in 10 hard copies on A3 paper and in PDF/JPEG/TiFF soft copy in a window readable C.D. Any material submitted by an entrant shall belong and remain the property of the Agency. The competition is open to all competent individuals, institutions and firms/companies in Kenya. They should provide their names, postal address, e-mails and day time telephone/mobile numbers along with any other relevant information. Judges decision is final and not open to appeal whatsoever. The designers should obtain the A.C.A.’s vision, mission and strategic objectives statement to guide them in design from the under signed before the closing date at Telposta towers, 1st floor Rm.20. All submissions should be posted or deposited in plain sealed envelopes in the tender box located on the 23rd floor, Telposta towers on or before 29th June 2010 at 11.00 a.m., clearly marked “ANTI-COUNTERFEIT LOGO DESIGN COMPETITION” and addressed to: The Board Chairman, Anti-Counterfeit Agency. Telposta Towers, P.O. Box 30418-00100 Nairobi. Entries will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the entrants or their representatives who choose to attend at the 23rd floor board room. Head, Supply Chain Management. For Permanent Secretary

Theme: Adaptation to Climate Change in the lake Victoria Basin
Introduction and Background
The Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) is one of the autonomous institutions of the East African Community, the umbrella body that brings together the Republics of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda.
Since its inception in 2002, IUCEA has implemented Phases 1 (2003-2005) and 2 (2006-2008) of the lake Victoria Research Initiative (VicRes) through a secretariat based in Kampala, Uganda.
VicRes is a regional collaborative-multidisciplinary research programme funded by the Government of Sweden through the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida). The geographical focus of VicRes is the lake Victoria Basin (LVB).
The goal of VicRes is to contribute to the development cooperation of the East African Partner States by supporting high quality scientific research that applies a regiona[/transboundary approach to poverty alleviation in the lake Victoria Basin (lVB). VicRes Phase 3 covers the period 2009 – 2014.
The objectives of VicRes Phase 3 are to:
  1. Increase the role of research in contributing to poverty alleviation.
  2. Enhance the state of the lake Victoria water and the environment in the lVB.
  3. Ensure sustainable management and utilization of lake Victoria and the natural resources found in the basin.
  4. Increase the application and utilization of research findings, recommendations and innovations in the development agenda of the East African Community Partner States.
  5. Use the research findings to inform the planning, decision making and policy reform and implementation.
Research Focus and sub-themes: Research on adaptation to climate change in the lake Victoria Basin is one of the key areas of focus in the VicRes Phase 3 Strategic Plan. In this call, collaborative-multidisciplinary research projects  that demonstrate high scientific quality, transboundary/regional approach to poverty alleviation and address adaptation to climate change in the lake Victoria Basin wilt be considered for funding under the following sub-themes:
  • Aquaculture and Fisheries
  • Natural Resources Governance
Eligibility and team composition
Researchers from public and private universities and research institutes in the East African Community Partner States are eligible to apply in teams. In addition to high scientific quality and regional/transboundary approach, the proposals must address the following aspects:
Multidisciplinarity: each team should comprise members from different disciplines with clearly defined roles. The team leader must hold a PhD in the relevant research discipline and have a demonstrable track record of research leadership.
Gender: each team must have at least one female researcher. Capacity building of young researchers (bachelors degree holders): each team should have at least one young researcher.
Note: Participation of researchers from Burundi and Rwanda is particularly encouraged.
Budget and funding duration
  • Successful proposals will be awarded up to a maximum of USD 200,000 per project per year. Depending on the progress and scientific quality, funding may be renewed annually up to a maximum of three years.
Proposal format
The proposal must have the following: Cover page (with title, names of team members, institutions of affiliation and contact addresses including e-mails and telephones), Executive Summary, Background to the Study, Research Problem, Justification/Significance of the Study, Conceptual Framework, literature Review, Aim and Objectives, Research Questions or Hypotheses, Methods of Data Collection and Analyses, Work Plan, logframe, Budget, References and one-page resume of the Principal Investigator and each team member.
The proposal must not exceed 20 pages typed on one side of A4 paper at single line spacing using Times New Roman font size 12. Proposals that do not adhere to the format will not be reviewed.
Invitation and proposal submission deadline
VicRes in conjunction with the Inter-University Council for East Africa hereby invites eligible researchers to submit proposals for consideration under Phase 3 funding support. Hard and electronic copies of proposals must be submitted to the VicRes Regional Coordination Office latest by 5:00 p.m. on 13th August 2010. Late submissions will be rejected and no correspondences shall be entered into thereafter.
This call can also be accessed on the VicRes website
Enquiries about the call should be directed to the Regional Coordinator at the address below.
Contact address:
The Regional Coordinator
lake Victoria Research Initiative (VicRes)
The Inter University Council for East Africa
3rd Floor, East African Development Bank Building
Plot 4 Nile Avenue, P.O. Box 7110 Kampala, UGANDA
Tel: +256-414-256-251/2; +256-414-251649

Website: http: / /www.vicres. net 
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